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Joined: 3/31/2009 Posts: 52
I have a simple Grid just have one custom column and I use a textbox as its editing UI. In the event of ClientSideEndEdit, I return the textbox value in order to update the Grid Cell value. But after I postback (Callback), I got "Nothing" in the Cell Value. How come is it?
I would like to use Textbox instead of "TextboxColumn" because I want to set focus on this textbox when begin edit.
I have a test page for you and I will PM the URL to you. Thanks.
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Joined: 3/31/2009 Posts: 52
I found the problem after I spent almost 5 hours to find the bugs. Finally, it is caused by a Javascript function "toFixed(2)". (XYZ#%#%@#%#$^!)
If I return a value using this function, it will return a "Nothing" cell value in server side.
for example :
function OAMT_EndEdit(gridCell,newValue) { var OAMT = document.getElementById("Grid1_edit_txtOAMT").value; OAMT = eval(OAMT).toFixed(2); return OAMT; }
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Joined: 3/31/2009 Posts: 52
But I have to point out that this function "toFixed" work fine in client-side. So at the beginning of trouble shoot, I don't aware it is the cause. Sorry about that post. However, I still have so many question mark in my mind.
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Joined: 3/31/2009 Posts: 52
I am going crazy. I should not conclude that the problem is caused by the function "toFixed". Anyway, the problem is not solved. The issue is when I input a numeric value with 4 decimal points (e.g. 154.5461), the cell value is "Nothing" after callback in server side. You could visit my test page. Thanks a lot!
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Can you also provide the full source of the test page? That way we can run it here and it will be much easier for us to find out the root cause of the problem.