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How do I save the file name in as a different name from the client name? Options
Posted: Monday, March 30, 2009 5:20:51 PM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 3/27/2009
Posts: 1
Same code where a file "A.pdf" at tha client is uploaded and saved as B.pdf on the destination folder. How do we do this in the AJAXUploadControl

Sample code below:

If (myFile.PostedFile.FileName <> "") Then
Dim strFileNameOnly As String = myFile.PostedFile.FileName.ToString()

' DEfine the File Path And New Name of file that is associated to the ID.
Dim FilePathOnServer As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("DocPath").ToString() & Request.QueryString("TransactionID") & myFile.PostedFile.FileExtension

lblMsg.Text = "File Upload Was Successful."
lblMsg.Text = "File Upload Denied."
End If
End If
Posted: Monday, March 30, 2009 5:26:51 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,229

AJAXUploader already saved the files into a temp file for you. You will need to call File.Move to rename it to whatever new name you would like to use. Please see this topic for more details:


The topic also contains sample code on how to move the temp files to a new location. You are free to change the file names during this process.


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