Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 8/11/2008 Posts: 37
I have 2 problems: 1. The grid cell shold show Datetime in german format. It does but if I click into the cell the DateTimePicker is shown but in format mm/dd/yyyy. How can I change that?
2. Maskedit should show in format 1234.00. But it is 1234. If I click into the cell a javascript error occurs: b.indexOf is not a function and it is not editable. Only if value is NULL it runs.
<eo:Grid ID="GrMW" runat="server" KeyField="id_mw" Height="500" Width="280" FullRowMode="false" AllowNewItem="true" AllowPaging="true"> <Columns> <eo:DeleteCommandColumn Width="30"/> <eo:MaskedEditColumn DataField="wert" HeaderText="Wert" DataType="Float"> <MaskedEdit ID="MaskedEdit1" runat="server" > <eo:MaskedEditSegment MaxValue="999999" MinValue="0" SegmentType="Number" Decimals="2"/> </MaskedEdit> </eo:MaskedEditColumn> <eo:DateTimeColumn DataField="zeitpkt" HeaderText="Zeitpkt" DataFormat="{0:dd.MM.yy hh:mm}" Width="120"> <eo:DatePicker PickerFormat="dd.MM.yy" /> </eo:DateTimeColumn> </Columns> </eo:Grid>
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,229
We tested your code and it works as expected here. We did have to to change "<eo:DatePicker" to "<DatePicker" though. DatePicker is a property, not a child control of eo:DateTimeColumn.
If the problem continue, please create a test page/project that demonstrates the problem. We will be happy to look into it as soon as we have that.