You can do that with our client side JavaScript interface. The code will be something like this:
Code: JavaScript
//Get the grid object
var grid = eo_GetObject("Grid1");
//Loop through all grid items
for (var i = 0; i < grid.getItemCount(); i++)
//Get the grid item object
var gridItem = grid.getItem(i);
//Get the cell object. This call requires column index.
//You can put the following code inside a loop to loop
//through all columns.
var cell = gridItem.getCell(colIndex);
//Get the cell value
var cellValue = cell.getValue();
//Now you have the cell value, you can do whatever
//you would like to do such as appending it to your
If you have not used our client side JavaScript interface before, you will want to go over this topic:
http://doc.essentialobjects.com/library/1/clientapi_howto.aspxYou can also expand "JavaScript Objects" below that topic to get detailed information about all the client side JavaScript objects and all the methods supported on those objects.
Hope this helps.