I believe Saed pointed out a few key properties (Thanks!). We will try to provide you some additional information and hope it can be helpful to you.
You may want to start from the data binding process. You can get more information about that at here:
http://www.essentialobjects.com/ViewDoc.aspx?t=MenuCommon%2fDataBinding%2fDataBinding_overview.htmlThese topics cover different scenarios/models that you can use to populate your TreeView from your database. You will want to go over those and see which model fits you best.
While you are populating the TreeView, you may want to map/store certain fields to certain properties (you can find details about this in the documentation). The most frequently used, as Saed pointed out, are ItemID, Text and Value.
Once you have the TreeView populated, the next task is to display the station description in the Panel on the right. I would suggest you to complete this by two steps:
1. Set the TreeView’s RaisesServerEvent to true. You can then handle the TreeView’s ItemClick event on the server side. Inside your server side ItemClick event handler, you can get whatever information you stored in the TreeNode (for example, StationID from Value property), use that information to locate the corresponding record in the DB, then fill the right panel based on the information you get from your DB record;
2. Once you get that step working, you can try to improve it by either using a CallbackPanel/UpdatePanel to avoid full page reload, or even using our client side JavaScript interface to implement any additional logics. However you will want to get the first step working before moving further;
Hope this helps.