Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 9/6/2007 Posts: 133
I poured through the documentation, and I just cannot figure this out. As far as I can tell, everything is done correctly.
I have an eo:CallbackPanel with triggers. Within the CallbackPanel, I have a DynamicPopulateExtender to populate a Panel that is inside an eo:Dialog that is not within the CallbackPanel (though I've tried putting it inside too). In the codebehind, I set the TargetControlID of the DynamicPopulateExtender to the Panel inside the eo:Dialog.
Everything works fine, except after the CallbackPanel is updated via a trigger. After that, the DynamicPopulateExtender does not work. Any suggestions at all would be appreciated.
Here's a snibbet of the codebehind:
AjaxControlToolkit.DynamicPopulateExtender dpl = (AjaxControlToolkit.DynamicPopulateExtender)e.Item.FindControl("dp"); Panel pnlPartQuickViewl = (Panel)Dialog1.ContentContainer.FindControl("pnlPartQuickView"); dpl.TargetControlID = pnlPartQuickViewl.UniqueID;
EDIT: Note that I got this working with an alternative method... I eliminated the DynamicPopuplateExtender and used PageMethods instead to handle the dynamic content myself, and now it works. As far as I know, the other method is the same concept, so it should work, but I'm happy...
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,225
I am not sure why you use CallbackPanel and DynamicPopulateExtender together. It works this way with CallbackPanel:
1. Place the dialog inside the CallbackPanel; 2. Trigger the callback with whatever triggers you'd like to set (for example, a Button); 3. Inside your server side event handler (for example, the Button's Click event handler), change your dialog contents; 4. Also set the dialog's InitialState to "Visible" inside the same event handler;
This should update the dialog contents and then display the dialog.
Hope this helps.