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I am attempting to make a web page in my site Section 508 (ADA Accessible) compliant. One of the requirements for this is to make a "Skip Navigation" link for blind/vision impaired users of my site that they can access at the very beginning of the web page.
When I attempt to place a tag (i.e. <a href=#content" id="skipnav">Skip Navigation</a>) at the top of my page the EO Menu always emits javascript that places itself above my skip navigation link even though my menu is far below where my skip navigation link is placed on the page.
How can I get around this?
Matt L.
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That is most likely because your Menu is absolutely positioned, if that's the case, you would need to remove absolute position attributes from its style attribute.
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Unfortunately my menu is relatively positioned.
Any other ideas?
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You might want to replace the menu with a simple DIV but with the same positioning settings and see how it goes. If it behaves the same, then you will need to work that out by yourself. :) If it appears to have to do with our Menu then please create a test page that duplicates the problem. Once we have that we will be happy to take a look. Make sure the test page runs independently.
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I actually tested that last night, and it does indeed work when I remove the menu object.
My menu is in a user control and that control is placed inside of a div, so therefore, removing the menu object and replacing it with some test text retains the original structure, but makes my skip navigation link show up at the top of the page.
My menu is database driven, so how would you like me to create a test page?
As for my problem, the only thing I can think of would be to actually add a new menu element that is at the beginning of the menu that serves as a skip link.
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You can try to create test static menu items to duplicate the problem. The menu items once created are the same regardless they come from DB or manually added with Menu Builder.
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Okay... I think I have found the issue, but don't know how to fix it :) It appears that when a SubMenu is present, it places itself above all else, whereas if no SubMenu is present, the skip navigation link shows up appropriately. Program used to display text-only page: WebbIE - downloaded at: http://www.webbie.org.uk/Here are two pages that show the issue: Page w/SubMenus - When viewed through WebbIE the "Skip to Main Content" link shows up underneath the sub menu but above the parent menu: http://www.clearchoicehp.com/menu/MenuTest.aspxPage w/o SubMenus - "Skip to Main Content" appears at the top of the page as it should: http://www.clearchoicehp.com/menu/MenuTest_NoSubmenu.aspxThanks! Matt L.
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WebbIE is certainly not among our supported browsers so we don't really have much information about how it displays a page. One thing that you can try is to place your "Skip To Main Content" page to outside of your form element. That also means you have to take it out side of your user control. The other thing you may want to consider trying is to use noscript tag to render a totally different set of HTML specifically for those browsers.
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Joined: 9/13/2007 Posts: 51
I figured it was not a supported browser :)
I will try out your suggestions. Thank you for your time!
Matt L.