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Editor and ColorPicker Options
Posted: Monday, October 27, 2008 3:14:58 AM
Rank: Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 8/13/2008
Posts: 14

Till today I used the Editor together with the ColorPicker control. Then i noticed that the color picker doesn't only adjust the style, but it also pastes javascript into the page which isn't what i had planned for. It looks like this:

<span style="FILTER: function(D,E){var C=[];for(var B=0,A=this.length;B<A;B++){if(D.call(E,this[B],B,this)){C.push(this[B]);}}return C;}; COLOR: #e63030; $family: [object Object]; erase: function(B){for(var A=this.length;A--;A){if(this[A]===B){this.splice(A,1);}}return this;}; empty: function(){this.length=0;return this;}; getLast: function(){return(this.length)?this[this.length-1]:null;}; hsbToRgb: function(){var C=Math.round(this[2]/100*255);if(this[1]==0){return[C,C,C];
}else{var A=this[0]%360;var E=A%60;var F=Math.round((this[2]*(100-this[1]))/10000*255);var D=Math.round((this[2]*(6000-this[1]*E))/600000*255);var B=Math.round((this[2]*(6000-this[1]*(60-E)))/600000*255);
switch(Math.floor(A/60)){case 0:return[C,B,F];case 1:return[D,C,F];case 2:return[F,C,B];case 3:return[F,D,C];case 4:return[B,F,C];case 5:return[C,F,D];
}}return false;}; rgbToHsb: function(){var B=this[0],C=this[1],J=this[2];var G,F,H;var I=Math.max(B,C,J),E=Math.min(B,C,J);
var K=I-E;H=I/255;F=(I!=0)?K/I:0;if(F==0){G=0;}else{var D=(I-B)/K;var A=(I-C)/K;var L=(I-J)/K;if(B==I){G=L-A;}else{if(C==I){G=2+D-L;}else{G=4+A-D;}}G/=6;

Is there any other way to pick colors for the editor, without the Javascript Mambo Jambo?
It's because the Javascript crashed each time, so hard that my SQL Server table even becomes unavailable.

Some help please...
Posted: Monday, October 27, 2008 5:31:48 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,303

Those do not appear to be our code at all. So you may wish to gradually comment out code block by block to find out who rendered those code.


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