Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 10/20/2008 Posts: 75
Hello, How can I do a 1. SAVE AS FEATURES or 2. OPEN FILE
that ask to me the file name
with EO: Editor?
Exist an example? Thanks Andrea
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,301
The editor provides a Html property for you to get/set the editor contents. Anything beyond that would need to be implemented by yourself. That also means it is beyond the scope of our support. Sorry about that!
Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 10/20/2008 Posts: 75
Hello, I 've make a custom dialog with editorDialogContent that is open if I click on toolbar OpenFile. This run correctly.
How can I customize the first argument of call .execDialogCommand?
onclick="eo_GetContainer(this, 'Editor').execDialogCommand('InsertOrEditImage', this);"
onclick="eo_GetContainer(this, 'Editor').execDialogCommand('OpenMyFile', this);" or onclick="eo_GetContainer(this, 'Editor').execDialogCommand('SaveMyFile', this);"
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,301
Hi Andrea,
You need to think your "Open File" and "Save File" feature separately from the editor. I understand that eventually you need that to work with the editor but form the editor's point view, as we have repeatly mentioned about, it provides a simple property for you to get or set its contents and that's where it stops. Anything further than that should be totally independent to the editor.
That means if you want to open a dialog, you should open a dialog with normal means (please check dialog sample and documentation for that). execDialogCommand is for a list of predefined commands, not for your custom commands.
In another word, what you are trying to implement is not part of the editor, and you keep thinking that you can use some part of the editor to implement that. We believe that is wrong and will lead you to nowhere.
Hope this helps.