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TreeView Problems Options
A. Hert
Posted: Friday, September 26, 2008 1:29:51 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 9/26/2008
Posts: 1

I am having three major problems with the TreeView control:

1. All AutoCheck-Properties don't work. For example, when the user checks a parent node, its child nodes won't be checked automatically, and vice versa.

2. When checking or unchecking a node, no postback is sent, even with RaisesServerEvent="true"

3. When the page ist posted back via a submit button, it is not possible in the code behind to iterate through the tree's nodes and determine which nodes have been checked by the user (using the Checked-Property of each node).

Here's my code:

<EO:TreeView runat="server" ID="trvRechte" AllowMultiSelect="true" AutoCheckChildren="true"
	AutoCheckParent="true" AutoUncheckChildren="true" EnableScrolling="true" RaisesServerEvent="true" OnItemCheckStateChanged="trvRechte_CheckStateChanged" >
				<asp:CheckBox CssClass="normal" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("Form")%>'
					Style="white-space: nowrap" ID="Checkbox1"></asp:CheckBox>
						<asp:CheckBox CssClass="normal" Runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("Control")%>' style="white-space:nowrap" ID="Checkbox2" Checked='<%#Eval("IstBerechtigt")%>'>
			<EO:DataBinding Property="Value" DataField="ID" Depth="2" />

Code behind:

Code: Visual Basic.NET
Dim sql As String = "Delete From fs_Berechtigung Where fRolleID = " & newRolle.ID & "; "

		For Each formNode As EO.Web.TreeNode In trvRechte.Nodes

			If formNode.Checked Then
				sql &= "Insert Into fs_Berechtigung (fRolleID, fFunktionID) values (" & newRolle.ID & ", " & formNode.Value & "); "
			End If

			For Each controlNode As EO.Web.TreeNode In formNode.ChildNodes

				If controlNode.Checked Then
					sql &= "Insert Into fs_Berechtigung (fRolleID, fFunktionID) values (" & newRolle.ID & ", " & controlNode.Value & "); "
				End If



After execution of this code the sql still has its initial value, even if some or all nodes were checked.

Am I missing something??? Thanks.
Posted: Friday, September 26, 2008 6:42:10 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,301

You did more than you should. :) The TreeView supports built-in checkboxes, so you do not need to use CustomItem template to produce a checkbox. All checkbox related features works with built-in checkboxes, not checkboxes in custom item.

To enable built-in checkboxes, set CheckBoxImages.Visible to true. That should get everything working for you.


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