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Dynamically added 'onclient' actions not executing Options
PMB Tech
Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 12:39:47 PM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 8/25/2008
Posts: 4
If I hardcode ClientSideOnChange="UpdateText1FontColor" in the markup, the call is made and everything works just fine.

When I make it dynamic and add attributes in page_load such as:
pickFontColor.Attributes.Add("ClientSideOnChange", "Update" & FontColorTarget & "FontColor"
The call is not made part of the control when rendered. I did a search on the source and the call was not there, but it is when hardcoded.

The colorpicker is in a UserControl called "TextData" that is embeded in another UserControl called "DisplayText". The "DisplayText" control is sitting on a webform inside a tab. The "Attributes.Add" code is in the page_load of the "TextData" usercontrol directly housing the colorpicker. The value "FontColorTarget" is a public property on the "TextData" usercontrol.

I put a beakpoint in the page_load and the correct value is there and the "Attributes.Add" method ececutes w/o error.

Any Ideas?
Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 1:01:13 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,301
Hi Mike,

ClientSideOnChange is a server side property and it does not directly map to any client side DHTML attribute. So you won't be able to do it that way. I am a little bit confused about your UserControl structure, but if pickFontColor is the color picker, you would simply do:

pickFontColor.ClientSideOnChange = "Update" & FontColorTarget & "FontColor"

If the pickFontColor is the user control, you can put similar code inside the user control's Page_Load. The key is, you use colorPicker.ClientSideOnChange = "something" instead of colorPicker.Attributes.Add("ClientSideOnChange", "something).

Please feel free to let us know if you still need any more help.


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