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Data Grid Options
Posted: Monday, August 18, 2008 4:34:46 PM
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Joined: 6/12/2008
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How can I use MaskedEdit column in a data grid. Each time when I add this column type to the columns area it shutdown the property windows. When I read more about this it says something a about MaskedEditor License. Won’t we get this as part of EO suite? Please help.
Posted: Monday, August 18, 2008 5:20:45 PM
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Your license should cover MaskedEdit. Can you download the latest and see if the same problem occurs?

Posted: Monday, August 18, 2008 7:04:39 PM
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I got the latest version installed and now I can add the MaskedEdit column but it can not be edited in run mode. Is there anying I should do to enable this.

By the way do we need new license key for this version.

Posted: Monday, August 18, 2008 8:35:57 PM
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As for edit mode, please see if this topic helps:


As for license, please see this topic:


Posted: Monday, August 18, 2008 10:43:47 PM
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Thanks for sending me the links. I did follow the instruction as mentioned to obtain a new license key and add to the solution. But when I add the MaskedEdit column is gives an error in the grid. When I try add a new Grid to test it ask for license. When I check the license key file it says verion 6.00 for all controls. Not sure what's going on here. Please help.

Posted: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 5:00:54 AM
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Dhilhaam wrote:
But when I add the MaskedEdit column is gives an error in the grid.

Didn't you say you downloaded the new version and it worked? Are you sure you are running the latest version? You can check that by checking the version of the DLL in your bin folder.

Posted: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 6:04:50 PM
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Posted: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 3:04:39 AM

I got the latest version installed and now I can add the MaskedEdit column but it can not be edited in run mode. Is there anying I should do to enable this.

By the way do we need new license key for this version.


As I did mentioned before that I did download and intalled the latests version. But I also mentioned that I can add the MaskedEdit Control and to Columns but can't edit. And also asked you quieried about the license issue.

After your response, I downloaded the new license key and did included new key in the solution bin directly. But still it displays that header message requesting for license and I can't make MakedEdit
column to editable.

We are at the stage of delievery of system and we want this working soon.
Posted: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 7:45:15 PM
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I understand that you have the following two questions:

1. Do not know how to enable edit mode for MaskedEditColumn;
2. Got the new license file, but it doesn't work for your application;

As for the license, this post contains detailed information about license troubleshooting:


As for the editing mode, we can provide the following:

1. Working examples demonstrating how grid edit works;
2. Documentations explain how grid edit works;

Please keep in mind that we do not troubleshoot your code. So when something is not working, you want to follow the sample and documentation, and if you run into any problem while following that, we will be happy to help. However we won't take questions like "how to enable grid edit". "I following the documentation, but it does not work". You will need to be very specific about what you tried according to the documentation and how you think it should work according to the documentation and how it is not working. Simply put, we are here to support you, but we are not here to do your job. You can find details about our support policy here:


Posted: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 9:45:49 PM
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Posts: 10
Thanks for your detail information.
All what I want clarify are:
1. Why is the runtime application requests for a license when the old license key (2007) is already being replaced by new license key (2008) in the Bin directory of the application.
2. Why is MaskedEdit in the Grid is not editable when the FullRowMode is set False.

Editing support is completely built-in and done on the client side. Editing can be row based or cell based. When user completed editing a row or a cell, the changes are not immediately submitted to the server. Instead they are logged and submitted to the server when the page posts back.
Editable Columns
User can only edit editable columns. Of all the columns, TextBoxColumn, CheckBoxColumn, MaskedEditColumn, DateTimeColumn and CustomColumn are editable.
Entering Edit Mode
When FullRowMode is set to true, an EditCommandColumn is needed to be able to place an item into edit mode. When the Edit link button is clicked, every editable cell in the row is placed into edit mode, user can then edit cells in the row and click Update to save the result.
When FullRowMode is set to false, clicking an editable cell automatically places the cell into edit mode. The change is automatically saved when input focus leaves that cell.
Editing UI elements can be fully customized on the corresponding GridColumn object. For example, you can edit the DatePicker property of a DateTimeColumn to customize the date picker control used by the column.

Posted: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 11:40:48 PM
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We can't think of any reason for it not to work. Our sample works fine and it works fine for everybody else. :(

If you continue to have problem, please create a test project that demonstrates both problems and send the test project to us. Make sure the test project can run independently because we will need to run it to see the problem. Please see your private message as to where to send the project.


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