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The Year and The Picker Options
Ed Ceballos
Posted: Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:27:26 AM
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Joined: 7/12/2007
Posts: 8

Why, when i try to put the follow date,:

12-07-07, i get : 12-02-2007

Exist some property to put the correct year?

Really Thanks
Posted: Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:56:38 AM
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Did you type it in or use the drop down to select a date? We have a known issue with the mask edit input portion of the DatePicker control. The issue has already been fixed internally but we have yet to released an update for that.

Ed Ceballos
Posted: Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:24:44 AM
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I type the date in!

I have found another posible issue, relationated with the mask, when i press (DEL) the date dont deleted.

Do you know when you will publish the next release?
Posted: Thursday, July 12, 2007 11:00:53 AM
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Hi Ed,

The update will either be posted tomorrow or early next week.

Ed Ceballos
Posted: Sunday, September 9, 2007 4:28:19 AM
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When you will publish the new release?

What's happend with the key DEL?

Posted: Sunday, September 9, 2007 7:27:43 AM
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We have already posted two new builds. Please see here for details:


Ed Ceballos
Posted: Monday, September 10, 2007 12:21:48 AM
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That buils dont fix the issue with the year, that i have mentionated in my firts post:

When i put:
01-01-01 i get 01-01-0001 and i need to get 01-01-2001
when i put 01-01-99 i need to get 01-01-1999

And why the key del dont work?

Posted: Monday, September 10, 2007 6:57:20 AM
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We verified with the latest version and the format does work. Our test is as follows:
1. Add a DatePicker into the form;
2. Set the DatePicker's PickerFormat to "MM-dd-yy";
3. Add a Button and a Label into the form;
4. Add the Button_Click handler, and when the button clicks, set lable's Text to DatePicker1.SelectedDate.ToString();

We then enter 01-01-01 into the DatePicker, click the button, and the label displays 01-01-2001.

As for the del key, we are not supporting it now. We support backspace key. We had different feedback as for whether del key should only delete one character or the whole "segment", which is still undecided; Backspace key works pretty much like a del key with our DatePicker, except that it also moves the focus backwards.

Ed Ceballos
Posted: Monday, September 10, 2007 9:20:31 AM
Rank: Newbie
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Joined: 7/12/2007
Posts: 8
THanks eo

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