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Menu Control eo_web.ashx security Options
Posted: Saturday, July 26, 2008 8:21:10 PM
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I am using the menu control (MSDN Style)

Everything works great in my development environment but when I upload it to my host I get the following error.

EO.Web Controls uses eo_web.ashx to render JavaScript files. However the file has been denied access due to your website's permission settings. This often occurs when the site requires login and denies anonymous access to all pages except for a few landing/login pages. When these pages use EO.Web controls, the control can stop function because access to eo_web.ashx is also been denied. Please modify your web.config's authorization section to allow anonymous access to eo_web.ashx.

I am using GoDaddy as my webhost, it is set for ASP.net 2.0/3.5 the virtual directory is set as an application directory and anonymous access is allowed my web.config file contains the following:

            <allow users="*" />

I have also tried


<location path="eo_web.ashx">
            <allow users="*" />
            <allow users="?" />

to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Posted: Saturday, July 26, 2008 8:54:22 PM
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You will hit this error when you run ASP.NET 2.0 on a partial trust environment, which is the case for GoDaddy. GoDaddy does not grant full trust to user's web application. This caused the above error.

Our DLL does not trigger this error on ASP.NET 1.1. So that's one workaround. We will also look into it and see if we can silent this error on ASP.NET 2.0 even on a partial trust environment. We will post again as soon as that is done.

Posted: Sunday, July 27, 2008 6:31:36 AM
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Thank you for the quick reply, I guess I can downgrade to ASP.net 1.1 will have to revew my code to see what else will break. Do you anticipate a 2.0 partial trust version soon?
Posted: Sunday, July 27, 2008 6:38:03 AM
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We regularly post update builds, usually every few weeks. So I believe if you can wait for a few weeks, then we should have an update build for you.

If you do plan to downgrade to ASP.NET 1.1, you will want to create a small test app to test it out before you downgrade the whole application. There are several partial trust levels, and hoster can also customize the security policies to specifically include/exclude certain security permissions. Most hosters give full trust, but some hosters tries to give as less as possible. So it's always a good idea to try it out first.
Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 7:40:52 PM
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We have posted a new build that addressed this issue. Please see your private message for download location.

Posted: Thursday, July 31, 2008 12:29:33 PM
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The new build seems to work great!

Awesome service and work!
Jeff C
Posted: Monday, August 4, 2008 3:50:34 PM
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Hi Admin,
I get same problem once I upgrade the Dialog from version 5.0 to 6.0 in VS 2005. Can you please provide the new build for testing? Any plan to release the official version to fix this problem?

Posted: Monday, August 4, 2008 4:09:50 PM
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We've sent you a private message with the download location. You can click the "Inbox" link on top of the forum to read the message.

Jeff C
Posted: Monday, August 4, 2008 5:48:50 PM
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Thanks for your quick response,
Great, your new build is workable for eo_web.ashx security issue. Specially in my project within DNN(4.6.2).
Posted: Saturday, August 9, 2008 5:10:22 PM
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Hi, I have the same problem with my 'It's Cold Outside' account. Can you help?

Many thanks

Mark Kelly
Posted: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 7:05:46 PM
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eo_support wrote:

We've sent you a private message with the download location. You can click the "Inbox" link on top of the forum to read the message.


Hi, I also need the version of eo_web.ashx that addresses the partial trust issue on .net 2.0. Can you send me a link to the download location?

Mark Kelly
Posted: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 7:11:29 PM
Rank: Administration
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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Hi Mark,

I believe the version on our download page already have the fix. So you can just download it from there.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any more questions.


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