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Joined: 8/9/2007 Posts: 18
Think I may have spotted a minor rendering bug in the MaskedEdit web control (version of the library). It seems the width property is rendering a css width attribute for each editable segment. Setting a width of 100 for example renders the following:
<input id="MP_CPH_mskColour1" style="width:100px;width:100px;width:100px;font-family:Courier New;" />
...when the control is declared as:
<eo:MaskedEdit id="mskColour1" runat="server" width="100">
<eo:MaskedEditSegment segmenttype="Number" isrequired="true" minvalue="0" maxvalue="255" />
<eo:MaskedEditSegment segmenttype="Literal" text="," />
<eo:MaskedEditSegment segmenttype="Number" isrequired="true" minvalue="0" maxvalue="255" />
<eo:MaskedEditSegment segmenttype="Literal" text="," />
<eo:MaskedEditSegment segmenttype="Number" isrequired="true" minvalue="0" maxvalue="255" />
Regards, Richard.
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Very interesting finding. Thanks for letting us know. We will look into it and see what we can find. The issue should not cause any functionality problem.
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Yep, no problem. As I'm posting a quick question if I may; I need to trap a clientside event when the text is changed. In this case the user is defining RGB colour values in the MaskedEdit control, which I'd like to update the background colour of a DIV on the fly.
I haven't been able to work out a method for doing this, any ideas?
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Hi Richard,
Unfortunately currently there is no easy way to handle client side on change event on the MaskedEdit control. We will think about whether we can add that.
As for your situation, we have a color picker control coming out just for that purpose. You may want to take a look of that and see if it works better for you. The control is still in Beta and it will be released with our next major release. I've sent you a private message with the download location.
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Ok I've downloaded and installed the Beta build and on first impressions - Awesome! I especially like the ability to completely control the layout of the popup.
It's pretty much exactly what I was after, so looking good. One thing I did notice however, it would be nice if the Colour Field and Spectrum Slider were driven by mouseup/mousedown events, so that they are constantly updated until I let go of the mouse button.
For example it's quite difficult to select pure white, by clicking away at the top corner until you get 255, 255, 255. I know you could just enter the figures, but I imagine most users wouldn't know the RGB for white and there's also the scenerio when you may choose not to provide RGB textboxes.
One other small issue, my project is in production and my licence key doesn't appear to cover the new control (I'm getting the usual message at the top of the page). Is there an ETA for the next release, or can you provide me with an interim licence to tide me over please?
Anyway, all in all yet another great control in an already excellent suite!
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Testing Update
Done a fair bit of testing over the course of the last few hours whilst integrating the control into my application. So far no bugs found and everything has worked perfectly.
I've even managed to insert it into an UpdatePanel and handle the Change server side event asynchronously with no problems what so ever.
Looks ready for release to me ;)
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Hi Richard,
Thank you very much for your feedback. We really appreciate it. As for mouse down/mouse up event, you actually can drag the marker. So the easiest way to get white is to click on the marker (the circle) and then drag it all the way to the corner. However it appears the only way to start dragging is by clicking on the marker directly. It would be easier for user if user can start dragging by clicking anywhere on the field/slider, so we will see if we can support that.
As the license key issue, actually that's the part that is not finished yet. We do not have an ETA for the new release because it still depends on the testing. However we will see if we can finish it up as soon as possible and give you a temporarily license key. One thing I do want to note is that unless you have an active subscription by the time of the release, you will need to have an upgrade order in order to use this control once it is released.
Thank you once again for your excellent feedback!
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Ahh, yep the drag works fine if you click the circle/silder first. Would definately be nice if this worked regardless of where you mouse down to start with, as it's not immediately intuitive at the moment IMHO.
Quite happy to pay the upgrade for the new licence, so I'll watch this space!
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We have posted a new build that would allow you drag anywhere on the color field. It also temporarily disabled license for ColorPicker until 6/30. Please see your private message for download location.
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Hi EO,
Excellent! That's much better and thank you for the temporary licence fix, much appreciated.
One last bit of feedback that just occurred to me. If I open the colour picker and change the RGB values/move slider/move circle, then decide I don't like my changes, I have no way of resetting them back to how they were originally without reloading the page.
One solution may be to reset the picker if I click away and it collapses (i.e. without having clicked 'Select'). Or perhaps a preferable option might be to add a reset button to the LayoutTemplate. Or even both as configurable options!
Anyway, I'm looking forward to the release and I suspect most of your other users are too now.
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Reseting on collapsing makes perfect sense. We will put that in. Thanks for your excellent feedback!