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I'm just starting up developing a new company intranet (ASP.NET 3.5 / VB) with lots of grids and edit-forms. At this moment I'm evaluating your EO.Web Controls Suite 2007.2 for ASP.NET and have a question about the grid-control:
I found out that the grid-control cannot be attached directly to a .NET SqlDataSource control, am I right?
So now I'm using this code (ds = SqlDataSource):
========================================================== Dim dr As SqlDataReader = ds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
grd.DataSource = dr grd.DataBind() ==========================================================
Question: Can the grid-control be implemented on a grid/edit/add page like the way with the standard .NET FormView and SqlDataSource controls?
I prefer to have the SQL hardcoded in the ASPX design-page, and the datasource is an excellent way to visualize complex queries. I also like the advantages of the FormView, so I want to combine the EO.Grid with these standard .NET controls.
Thanks for your response!
Regards, Vic
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,298
Hi Vic,
You are correct about the Grid and SqlDataSource. In the current build the Grid does not directly take SqlDataSource. The workaround is also exactly as you used. Our next build will have such code included so that you will be able to use the Grid with SqlDataSource directly.
I am not exactly sure what your second question means. As for editing and adding record, the Grid:
1. Supports in place editing either for a whole row or for a single cell (depending on the value of FullRowMode). It is possible for you to provide your own editing UI and associate it with the Grid. For example, you can either handle the Grid's ClientSideOnItemSelect on the client side or ItemCommand on the server side to trigger specific code that fills a "editing form" to edit the selected record. The "editing form" itself is not part of the Grid;
2. Similarly, the Grid also supports in placing adding. You can enable this feature by setting the Grid's AllowNewItem to true;
3. When the Grid is bond to a SqlDataSource, the binding is one way only. So unlike FormView, the Grid does not save the edited/added data back to the data source. It does provide all necessary information about what has been changed (ChangedItems/AddedItems/DeletedItems), so it should be fairly easy to write the code that saves the data back to the data source;
Hope this helps. Please feel free to let us know if you have any more questions.
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Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: -34
Thanks for your quick response!
When will the next build be released, and if I purchase now, is the next release included?
Because the complex data-input I have to create custom forms, so inline editing is no option for me. I also will use serverside code for the interaction between the grid and edit-forms. I think I just have to start playing with it :)
Another question: does the evaluation version only run in client-mode? I can't find info about the evaluationrestrictions and every time I save the grid-control in server-mode it seems to reset to client-side.
Thanks! Vic
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We constantly post minor builds with improvements and bug fixes. As soon as you have a license for a specific release, all minor builds for that release is always free to you. Major release is different. A major release usually includes a few new controls, using those new controls would require purchasing an upgrade license.
The evaluation version supports all modes. What you have observed is a bug of the Grid Builder. The workaround is to set the RunningMode property directly from Visual Studio's property window, instead of our Grid Builder. Sorry about that!
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I'll start with it, thanks again!
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
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Perfect. Please feel free to let us know if you run into any other issues.
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Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: -34
Sorry, one more question:
When I use the edit option in CellStyle and CssText in the Edit Columns wizard of EO Grid I receive the error "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation".
Somewhere else in the forum I read something about an update for this. I'm using Visual Webdeveloper 2008.
Thanks for your reply!
Regards, Vic
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,298
We've sent you a private message with the download location of the update build. Please take a look and let us know how it goes!
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Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: -34
Thanks for your help! But... unfortunately it didn't solve the problem.
I guess I need access to these function in order to center align the edit-column...
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,298
Hi Vic,
We will look into that and see what we can find. In the mean time, you can expand the CellStyle property and edit its CssText property directly --- that's all the Style Editor does --- modifying the CssText property. If you are not sure what to put there, edit the style in your web form directly on a dummy HTML element first, then copy it over.