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populate a gridview from a database SQL server Options
Posted: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:54:05 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 5/21/2008
Posts: 7
Using Visual studio 2008 and SQL Server 2005 express

Script in VB for page Default.ascx ... I have trouble populate a grid1, use this script in vb.....

(Forgive English, are italian, not writer good English.)

examples (version demo DessentialObject)

Dim SQLString As String = "SELECT * FROM WM08 WHERE WM08_Attivo = 'Si'"
Dim myConnString As String = "User ID=" & user & ";password=" & pw & ";Initial Catalog=" & dbuser & ";Data Source=" & ipuser & ";"
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(myConnString)
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(SQLString, myConnection)
Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
Dim dt As New DataTable
If (myReader.HasRows) Then
Grid1.DataSource = dt
End If

End script examples

Posted: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 9:03:28 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298

Check if you have any columns. Our Grid does not automatically generate columns based on the data source:


You don't really need to use a DataTable. You can directly give myReader to Grid1.DataSource.


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