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Dynamic Slide Menu... Options
Ray Bradley
Posted: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 11:59:25 AM
Rank: Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 10/31/2007
Posts: 18
This should be very simple.... yet I'm unable to create it without help...

Using a datareader as my datasource... Individual customers have various locations...

I loop throught the datareader... customers first .. then loop for each location...


Trying to create.... slidemenu1 - Customer
Cust: ABC - (Sub-menu?) <- other locations should collapse when customer is selected...
New York, NY (Menu Item)
LA, CA (Menu Item)
Atlanta, GA (Menu Item)
Nashville, TN (Menu Item)
Cust: COH
Cust: GAS
Cust: RAR
Cust: TAK

Posted: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 1:14:46 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,301

It would be a two-step process. First you get all the items created and then worry about collapsing/expanding. To have all the items created please refer to this topic:


To have one item collpase you would simply set the SlideMenu's SingleExpand to true.


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