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Limiting Number of Uploads? Options
Posted: Saturday, June 30, 2007 11:41:22 AM
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Joined: 6/8/2007
Posts: 13
Does the AjaxUploader have a function where i can sent the max number of files to upload in an instance?
Posted: Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:26:24 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296
Hi, Craig

Thanks for posting your questions here.
Are you looking for the property Rows? Set Rows to whatever number you want and it will only display that certain number of Browse buttons to let users to pick files to upload. Normally this is how we set max number of files to upload.

Feel free to let us know if you have more questions.
Posted: Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:32:39 PM
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Joined: 6/8/2007
Posts: 13
I noticed the 'Rows' property, but that appeared to only display x number of upload paths, once these are populated and uploaded, you can reload another x items.

I would like to try and limit the Uploader, so that once a total of x items are uploaded, then the Uploader becomes disabled.

Is this possible? or would i have to do a check after each upload action?

Thanks in advanced

Posted: Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:57:19 PM
Rank: Administration
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296
Oh, I see what you are saying.
That sounds like you have to put your own code behind it. In server side FileUploaded handler, you can check how many files you already got and see if you need to allow users to upload more.
We may be able to put this type of restriction in future version.

Posted: Saturday, June 30, 2007 1:02:17 PM
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Joined: 6/8/2007
Posts: 13
Thats what i thought, but thought i had better check.


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