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Spliiter Height issue Options
Posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 4:04:27 PM
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Wehen i set a splitter width to "100%" it works fine, however if the Height is set to 100% it goes to about 5px is this a bug or am i doing it wrong?
Posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 4:50:16 PM
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That can occur when the parent element that contains the splitter does not have a fixed height. For example, the following splitter renders fine:

<div runat="server" style="width:300px;height:300px">
    <eo:Splitter runat="server" ID="Splitter1" ControlSkinID="None" 
     BorderStyle="Solid" DividerSize="6" BorderWidth="1px" Width="100%" 
     Height="100%" DividerImage="00080201" BorderColor="#3B619C">
        <eo:SplitterPane id="SplitterPane1" runat="server">Pane1 
        <eo:SplitterPane id="Splitterpane2" runat="server">Pane2 

The following splitter will not render correctly:

<div runat="server" style="width:300px">
    <eo:Splitter runat="server" ID="Splitter1" ControlSkinID="None" 
     BorderStyle="Solid" DividerSize="6" BorderWidth="1px" Width="100%" 
     Height="100%" DividerImage="00080201" BorderColor="#3B619C">
        <eo:SplitterPane id="SplitterPane1" runat="server">Pane1 
        <eo:SplitterPane id="Splitterpane2" runat="server">Pane2 

The second one won't render correctly because the splitter calculates its height based on the height of the outer DIV, where as the DIV calculates its height based on the splitter, so it goes into a dead circle.

The solution is to give the parent element a fix size. If that is not practical, this property may help you:


You can find a few samples at here demonstrating this feature:


Please feel free to let us know if you have any more questions!

Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 8:22:48 AM
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This sets the splitter to 100% of the DIV object but i dont care about that essentially i want the splitter to be 100% of the window. I dont want to yous a div if not needed.
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 8:27:54 AM
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Found the issue and fix. however It isnt allowing me to put anything into the Pane. I wanted to use the Splitter to divide the page and in the left pane put the treeview but i get erros is this impossible?
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 8:29:19 AM
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Loren wrote:
This sets the splitter to 100% of the DIV object but i dont care about that essentially i want the splitter to be 100% of the window. I dont want to yous a div if not needed.

Hum.....have you finished reading our previous rely? That's exactly what AutoFillWindow is for.
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 8:35:22 AM
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Yes i read it as something different in the help files just misread :). It fixed the problem now there a new thing i go the tree to come up finalls but if i click a link in Left pane i cant get it to open /target to the right pane
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 8:36:09 AM
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Loren wrote:
Found the issue and fix. however It isnt allowing me to put anything into the Pane. I wanted to use the Splitter to divide the page and in the left pane put the treeview but i get erros is this impossible?

Please take a look of our samples. There is a sample does exactly that. It's always a good idea to spend some times on those first because it gives you a better idea of what can be done and they are already working.

Try playing with those and if you still have any problems, please feel free to let us know. Please provide detailed description about the problem, such as what you did, how you expect it to work, how it is not working and the error message, etc. The more information you provided to us, the better and faster we can resolve the issue for you. If you just say "it does not work", we would have no clue where to look and will still come back to ask you for those information.

Thanks for understanding!
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 8:44:42 AM
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I go to the Demos first but there isnt a demo where the left side has a link you click and it loads in the right pane if there is it isnt on the Live Demo links under splitter.

OK i have a splitter with 2 Panes a Left and a Right pane. In the right pane i have a Treeview and i set a node in the tree view to "Google" with Google's URL. I also set the target field to SplitterPane2 but when i click it it just loads a new IE window with google. I want this to load to the right pane for ease of use for my customers
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 9:02:22 AM
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In that case you might not want to use our splitter at all. What you are trying to do can be easily achieved with a frameset. The most important difference between our splitter and a frameset is that our splitter is not framed, which means the content of the right pane does not have to be physically a separate page. In fact the right pane is a container; it can contain other elements, but not pages. Where as a frameset does exactly the opposite. It hosts a page. That seems to fit your purpose the best.

So in your case, you should create a frameset and put the TreeView inside the left pane. Your other alternative is to place an iframe inside your right pane, then set the TargetWindow property to the name of the iframe.

In either case you will need to write some JavaScript to automatically resize the TreeView when the container (either it be the left splitter pane or the left frame in a frameset). If you still want to use our splitter, you can find sample code in this sample:


If you use frame set, then you need to hook up with the left frame’s window onsize event. Our technical support won’t cover those so you will need to seek other resource if you are not clear about that.

Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 9:26:59 AM
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I thought i might have to go with frameset. If i put a splitter into the left frame can i have links in the Splitter taregte the Right frame in a frame set? And how to i have the Splitter load with ony one pane open? Example i have a horizontail Splitter i want to only view the top and on a give even it exapand the bottom?
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 9:34:08 AM
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You don't really need anything about to splitter when you use frame set because the very purpose of a frameset is to create multiple resiable panes. Also you never load a splitter with only one pane. It's useless and it won't work. You can do both vertical and horizontal bars with frame set and you can even nest them. Just Google frameset and you will get all kind of samples for that.

Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 9:44:51 AM
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eo_support wrote:

You don't really need anything about to splitter when you use frame set because the very purpose of a frameset is to create multiple resiable panes. Also you never load a splitter with only one pane. It's useless and it won't work. You can do both vertical and horizontal bars with frame set and you can even nest them. Just Google frameset and you will get all kind of samples for that.


No im changing the concept some heres is amore detail.

Im building a web page where there will be search criteria people can select to filter a serach this will be the top SplitterPane in the bottom Splitter Pane will be a TreeView thats blank and gets added to based on the search selections. I can get Pane 1 to update a Tree View in pane 2( bottom) just fine. What im wondering is how to i set the Splitter to only view 1 pane at a time. Example I want Pane 1 (top) to be the only thing they see with the Exand Splitter bar at the bottom and when clicked Pane 1 disaoppears and the only see Pane 2. In pane 2 theire wil be links that will load into the right frzame of the frame set.

(sorry for bad pic)

| Lft Frame |RIGHT FRAME |
| | |
| T. Pane | |
|----------- | |
| B. Pane | |
| | |
| | |

Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 9:58:25 AM
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I don't think the splitter can do what you wanted to do on that. The splitter does a few things that it is designed to do and that's it.

In fact we don't think what you are asking really has anything to do with splitter. You can do those quite easily with JavaScript on the client side or very minimum programming on the server side. As stated before, these are generic programming issues that are not covered by our support. We don't really mind to give you pointers as to where to look but you can't really hold us on to it just by trying to do everything with our poor splitter!

You may wish to review our support policy at here:


Sorry about that and thanks for understanding!

Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 10:04:53 AM
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No i have it doing what i kind of what it just not looking pretty. I have the SPliter to AutoFill which works beatifully. I set Pane 1 height to 100%and it does that just fine except if hids the Splitter bar below so that we need to scroll before you can see it. All I can to essentailly do with the spliiter is this. Example of the Auto Collapse left/Right. The open the demo with the left/top being about 20% of the entire splitter the right/bottom being the rest. i want the left to be 100% of the Splitter with the Bar being at the end WITHOUT having to scroll and see it. Then when i click the bar it goes to the immediate Left/top side and shouws the right/bottom pane. i have accomplished a similar defeat by setting the Left/top Pane to width/height to 100% but then the Splitter bar gets hidden. if you still done understand what i am saying im sorry and will try to find out how to get the splitter to do this as i fee it can based on what it does
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 10:08:50 AM
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Appears i have to do the opposite but it can be done. Insteade of Collapsing pane 2/bottom on load i have to have pan1 be collapse this resolved the issue but in a different way as i want pane 1 to be open not 2 but can work with thsat.
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 10:35:00 AM
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I think we got what you are trying to do....but you are really using the splitter in a quite absurd way. Don't meant to offend you, it's like you are trying to use pliers as hammer. It can somehow just work for you but that's really not what it is designed to do. You are obviously free to use it whatever you wanted, but we won't be able to support issues arising from that because there is no way we can make a product to work whatever way you wanted.


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