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Can you have a AjaxUploader in a popup dialog control Options
Posted: Monday, April 21, 2008 9:38:01 AM
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Hi ,

I'm trying to use a Ajaxuploader in a popup dialog control. However the Ajaxuploader does not display correctly. I've tried applying the CCS style you have in you demo for Standard UI Customizations but to no avail.

I'm missing the browse button, but if if I click on the shaded area representing the textbox for the filepath the "choose file" dialog box appears.

Can you help?
Posted: Monday, April 21, 2008 9:54:04 AM
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Unfortunately you won't be able to do that. We are aware of the issue and is still looking for a solution.

Posted: Monday, April 21, 2008 9:56:57 AM
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OK thank you. Can you offer any work around solutions
Posted: Monday, April 21, 2008 10:02:13 AM
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You just need to forget about the dialog popup....I don't think you would like to call that a workaround though. :)
Posted: Monday, April 21, 2008 10:05:02 AM
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Ok thanks anyway. I'll play with it
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 2:25:39 AM
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I'm now trying the ajax uploader on a pageview of a multipage. When I make the uploader visible it displays in a disabled state. I've check the enabled property and it's true prior to displaying.
Also the browse button and textbox are missing.

Are there issues with the AjaxUploader inside a pageview too?
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 6:24:44 AM
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No. We are not aware of any problem with AJAXUploader inside a PageView. Inside all of our uploader samples are inside PageViews. If you can create a sample page that can reproduces the problem you are having, we will be happy to take a look.
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 6:42:08 AM
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I was trying to set this uploader visibilty on a image click. It is only in this scenario does the uploader not fully display. I've now moved on making the visibilty of the uploader control static and using the enabled state instead (Not Pretty)

If I get a chance I'll replicate the problem I was getting when trying to dynamically set the visibility from a image click inside a callback.

Thanks anyway
Code Monkey
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 7:04:22 AM
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Instead of using the .Visible property you could try changing the css attribute, for maybe a div around the datepicker, to use .display: none. That should still load the proper javascripts and such to make the datepicker work (which is failing when .Visible is set to false b/c it isn't in the page and can't generate its required stuff).
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 7:09:43 AM
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Code Monkey wrote:
Instead of using the .Visible property you could try changing the css attribute, for maybe a div around the datepicker, to use .display: none. That should still load the proper javascripts and such to make the datepicker work (which is failing when .Visible is set to false b/c it isn't in the page and can't generate its required stuff).

Thanks for the tip. This is a good way to do it.
Posted: Thursday, April 24, 2008 3:43:26 AM
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Is it possible to have an ajaxuploader in a standard "eo:Dialog"-dialog?
Posted: Thursday, April 24, 2008 7:09:27 AM
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Hi Guys

I tried the css attributes to set visibility and it still fails. Hence I will stick with my workaround described previously.

It appears the visibilty property via css or on the control is not being applied to the placeholder for the textbox and browse button in the AjaxUploader control.

Nisse, I asked that question earlier. No

Posted: Thursday, April 24, 2008 7:15:08 AM
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Thanks for your reply PThompson.
I am currently working on a solution which sets the ContentUrl of the dialog to a separate file which contains the ajaxuploader. It seems to work for me.
But it might not solve your problems.
Code Monkey
Posted: Thursday, April 24, 2008 7:22:29 AM
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PThompson wrote:

It appears the visibilty property via css or on the control is not being applied to the placeholder for the textbox and browse button in the AjaxUploader control.

Just to be clear, I said to put the control inside a DIV and to set the CSS display property for the DIV, not on the control itself.
Posted: Friday, April 25, 2008 5:39:36 AM
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Oh you're quite right. Thanks I've applied visibility to a surrounding div and it's fine.

However I have a css style for DIV's which applies backgound colur and font settings. When this exists the AJAXUploader looses the text box and browse button, but the functions are still there if I click in the expected area of the browse button.

What elements of a div should I set specifically for the div surrounding the AJAXUploader, to maintain it's current default state.
Code Monkey
Posted: Friday, April 25, 2008 6:54:03 AM
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There are two ways I can think of to handle that.
The first way is to change your CSS to use classnames for the DIV's instead of just applying it willy nilly to all divs. So you'd have .DivClass { background: whatever; } and the div would have class="DivClass". That way you can choose not to inherit this class. Some properties are inherited though from a parent div to a child div, so you'll have to see if this works.

The second way would be to give an ID to your div you want to be different and in your CSS have #MyDiv { background: whatever; } where you override all the settings you want to override.
Posted: Friday, April 25, 2008 7:03:15 AM
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Code Monkey is quite right (Thanks a lot, by the way!). Generally you should avoid having element selector in your page, such as TD, DIV, etc. Those styles apply to all elements in the page. And unfortunately our controls use those elements as well. So the styles will be picked up by elements we created, which obviously is not the intended result.

The only way out is to change your CSS rule, usually by limiting the scope of your style rule. And this is often done by changing the selector name, which Code Monkey explained above. If you wish to have a completely list of valid selector name syntax, you can take a look of W3C standard:

Posted: Friday, April 25, 2008 7:11:00 AM
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Yes I realise I will need a div class especially for the Div surrounding the uploader. I've unfortunately inherited the css with the DIV element. That's why I wanted to know the styles applied in the uploader so I could replicate it for the new div class. Thanks anyway, I'll try and use a browser tool to decipher the default style used.
Posted: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 4:43:43 AM
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I've got a listbox with a div around it to achieve horizontal and vertical scrollbars in a EO:Dialog box

When using the scrollbars the contents of the listbox do not redraw properly. This code works ok on a page or usercontrol.

Is this another known issue with EO:Dialog?
Posted: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 6:16:55 AM
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PThompson wrote:

I've got a listbox with a div around it to achieve horizontal and vertical scrollbars in a EO:Dialog box

When using the scrollbars the contents of the listbox do not redraw properly. This code works ok on a page or usercontrol.

Is this another known issue with EO:Dialog?

No. We are not aware of any of such problems. Try to set the dialog's ShadowDepth to 0 and see if it works. Shadow sometimes can cause drawing problems.

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