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Datepicker and Multipage problem Options
Aaron Kyes
Posted: Friday, April 18, 2008 9:45:58 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 3/17/2008
Posts: 3

We recently purchased you product and we are happy with it so far. We are having problems with datepicker and using tabstrip and multipage together. I have built a tabstrip/multipage web application and if you click on the calendar button next to the datepicker the calendar pops up as it should, but if I don't select a date and click on another tab the calendar stays in place and overlays the new multipage section. I doubt this will come up very often, but it is a little annoying. If you open the calendar then click on another field the calendar collapses. Please help.

Thanks for your time.

Posted: Friday, April 18, 2008 10:33:49 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298
Hi Aaron,

Thanks for letting us know. We will try to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Posted: Thursday, May 1, 2008 1:55:53 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298
This issue is fixed as of build 2007.2.51.
Aaron Kyes
Posted: Thursday, May 1, 2008 2:03:19 PM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 3/17/2008
Posts: 3
Thanks for the quick response/fix. Works perfect now.


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