Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,296
We are a component vendor. In order to use our product, we expect you to have some programming background related to the field that our product targets. For example, we expect you have basic HTML/.NET/Web programming background if you wish to use our Web controls. We will happily answer your questions about product features, to show you what can and can not be done with our product, and how each features are used. However the primary focus of our support work is our product. So we will not be able to help on areas that are not directly related to our product. Such as:
We can not provide consultant service for generic programming issues. For example, we will not be able to show you how to use view state because view state is a feature provided by ASP.NET, not a feature provided by our product. If you have any questions or problem regarding using view state, you should consult other resources (many widely available online). However, we will happily look into the issue if you can reasonably believe that our product has a problem related to a generic feature. For example, if the page crashes when view state is enabled on our controls, but runs fine when view state is disabled on our controls, please do let us know and we will look into it as soon as possible.
We provide many generic samples, but we expect you to be able to identify similarities between our generic samples and your specific scenario and make changes/adjustment based on your own programming knowledge/skills. Thus we usually do not provide custom sample code for your specific scenario. In plain language, we do not code for you --- we do not expect you to ask us to complete exactly what you were asked to do for you. For example, if we have a sample that shows you how to update the Text property of a Label control but your situation actually uses a TextBox, we would not expect to provide a second sample to show you how to update the Text property of a TextBox control because there is no fundamental difference between updating a property between the two controls. We do provide sample code for advanced solutions that have no apparent similarity with existing samples or require some in-depth knowledge of our product. Those will be on case by case bases.
If you suspect a problem with our product, please feel free to contact us. It is our goal to provide either a fix or a workaround to you as soon as possible in such case. However please keep in mind that a lot of times the problem may not be on our side, and even if the problem is on our side, we would most likely need your help to reproduce and verify the fix indeed works. So please expect to be asked to provide some reasonable assistance on your side. Generally we do not work on issues if you only report “this does not work”, but do not provide details on the issue, such as environment, error messages, reproducing steps, etc (We understand some of them might be difficult, for example, reproducing steps are often hard to have. However the more information you provide, the more likely that we can solve the problem quickly).