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Grid- Changing text of ButtonColumn Options
Posted: Thursday, April 10, 2008 2:53:21 PM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 3/13/2008
Posts: 6
I need to have a button column where each of the text is a different part name. When I set the ButtonText it only allows a static value. I didn't see an option on the Grid to do OnRowDataBound like in GridView. I then tried using the OnLoad option, and I can see each row and value, but I can't find the actual link button control when going through the different levels of the grid. I can find the button column, but it has the same issue that if I set the text, it will set the text for all the links in the column to the same value. How do I set the button text to be different for each link button? Is there any equavalent <%# Eval("PartName")%> available?

My column:
<eo:ButtonColumn DataField="PartName" ButtonText="PartName" ButtonType="LinkButton" HeaderText="Part Name" ></eo:ButtonColumn>
The code I've been trying to find the link button control

protected void CheckRow(object sender, EventArgs e)
EO.Web.Grid grDisplay = (EO.Web.Grid)sender;
int i = 0;
EO.Web.GridItemCollection gCol = grDisplay.Items;

foreach (EO.Web.GridItem gr in gCol)
EO.Web.GridCellCollection gtest1 = gr.Cells;
i = 0;
foreach(EO.Web.GridCell gc in gtest1)

EO.Web.ButtonColumn bc = (EO.Web.ButtonColumn)gc.Column;

string tst1 = gc.Column.GetType().ToString();
string tst2 = gc.ToString();
string tst3 = gc.Value.ToString();




Posted: Thursday, April 10, 2008 2:58:43 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298

You can do that by leaving ButtonText empty and set DateField:


This is only supported in very recent versions, so make sure you have the latest first.


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