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Hi There, I recently upgraded from 2007_1_43 to 2007_2_44. I am finding that code that used to work fine with the treeview is now malfunctioning. I have a custom control which uses an EO tree as a child control within. This tree is built and configured by code and makes use of the populate on demand functionality. What I am finding is that, since the upgrade, if I click on the "+" icon on my tree, the node does not "expand" and populate on demand. The tree just refreshes with a duplicate. E.g. I when clicking on the "+" for "item 1" I get: Root + Item 1 + Item 2 Root + Item 1 + Item 2 Instead of Root - Item 1 --- + SubItem A --- + SubItem B + Item 2 However, if I first click on a node title, then click on the "+" icon, then the tree works fine. It is like clicking on the title must initialise "something" which ensure the tree works correctly afterwards. Some Example Code
Code: Visual Basic.NET
Public Class myTree
Inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
Private moTreeView As New EO.Web.TreeView
Private moEOCallback As New EO.Web.Callback
Private moTableTreeCell As New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell
Protected Overrides Sub OnInit(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
'set up the treeview here
moTreeView.ID = Me.ID & "_tree"
AddHandler moTreeView.ItemPopulate, AddressOf ItemPopulate
'add the tree view to the lower cell
'add the callback, for tracking populate on demand
Protected Overrides Sub OnPreRender(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
'if page first loaded, then build it!
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
bOk = bBuildTree(moTreeView)
'bring back the tree... viewstate should maintain tree in this case...
moTreeView = CType(common.oFindControlRecursive(Page, moTreeView.ID), EO.Web.TreeView)
End If
Where bBuildTree adds nodes to the tree initially And ocommon.oFindControlRecursive assigns moTreeView with the existing treeview already existing on the page (so we don't have to rebuild it again) ItemPopulate is a sub which implements the populate on demand functionality. My code worked perfectly well before the upgrade. Has anything changed in the new version? Do I need to do anything differently? Please can you advise so I can resolve this issue. I can supply further information if required. Or if all else fails, I could try and set up a dummy project to emulate this. Regards, Dave
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Hi Dave,
We are not aware of anything regarding populate on demand has been changed between .43 and .44. The "normal way" to use populate on demand is to build the initial TreeView in Page_Load instead of PreRender, then dynamically populate the through ItemPopulate event. So try that first.
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Joined: 6/14/2007 Posts: 36
I tried moving my "build tree" code from "OnPreRender" to "RenderControl" (there is no "Page_Load" for controls). But there was no difference.
I will try to create a simple project to demostrate this issue if I can. I will supply this in a ZIP file if that is acceptable. Please let me know who to send it to.
Regards, Dave
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Try to do it in your OnLoad (you will need to override it and call the base class's OnLoad first). We will PM as to where to send your sample code to.
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I tried using onload but the problem remained.
I have created an example web solution and sent the zip through to the email you have specified.
I have found the issue only occurs when the control is put inside an ASP:UpdatePanel.
This issue did not occur with older versions of the EO DLL.
Hope this helps.
Regards, Dave
Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
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Please can you let me know if the code i sent through demonstrates the problem, and what sort of timescale there would be for the fix to be released.
Regards, Dave
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Sorry about the delay. We have not been able to get to it today but will certainly get to it tomorrow and hopefully we can close the issue tomorrow. Thanks for your patience!
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Thanks for your quick response :)
I look forward to hearing back soon.
Regards, Dave
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Hi Dave,
We have looked into the issue and have fixed it internally and should be able to provide you an update build with the fix soon.
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This issue is addressed in build 2007.2.46.
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Hi There,
Sorry for the delay in reponding.
Just want to thank you for the latest build - it resolved our TreeView issue.
Best Regards, David
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Joined: 10/29/2007 Posts: 6
I've got the same problem with populate on demand, but I can't find your 2007.2.46 version? The latest post you have is 2007.2.44. Thanks in advance.
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We've sent you a private message with the download location. You can click the "Inbox" link on top of the forum to view your private messages.