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Joined: 6/17/2010 Posts: 35
I have a separate window (urlaub.aspx), that is called via a button from an intranet application.
Via CodeBehind (urlaub.aspx.cs) an EO listbox is filled via SQL script when loading.
After loading, the javascript initForm() is executed.
There, a passed string in the listbox is to be searched for using the function ListboxPruefen() and, if found, marked accordingly.
When executing the function, I receive the error message "ListboxPruefen(): TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')"
It appears that the control is not yet loaded or available at loadtime.
In contrast, the listBox1selected function correctly recognizes and passes a selected entry.
What can I do?
<%@ Page Inherits="urlaub" Language="c#" CodeFile="urlaub.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="true" %> <%@ Register TagPrefix="eo" Assembly="EO.Web" Namespace="EO.Web" %> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="de"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <head id="Head1" runat="server"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../App_Themes/posProtokoll.css" type="text/css" /> <script src="../App_Themes/urlaub.js"></script> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <body onload="initForm();" > <div id="DivAdrX" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;height:275px;width:350px;padding:10;z-index:0;" class="hintergrund" > <eo:ListBox id="ListBox1" ControlSkinID="None" Height="150px" Width="250px" onclick="listBox1selected();" runat="server" > <BodyStyle CssText="border:solid 1px #868686;background-color:white;" /> <ItemListStyle CssText="padding: 1px;" /> <ItemStyle CssText="font-family:Tahoma;font-size:9pt;font-weight:solid;" /> <ListBoxStyle CssText="font-family:Tahoma; font-size:11px;" /> <SelectedItemStyle CssText="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#4682B4;background-repeat:repeat;border:solid 1px;font-family:Tahoma;font-size:9pt;font-weight:solid;" /> <ItemHoverStyle CssText="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#4682B4;background-repeat:repeat;border:solid 1px;font-family:Tahoma;font-size:9pt;font-weight:solid;" /> </eo:ListBox> </div> <input type="button" id="Button1" class="cbutton2" style="position:absolute;left:30px;top:225px;height:20px;width:100px;color:blue" value="OK" onclick="Button1pressed();" /> <input type="button" id="Button2" class="cbutton2" style="position:absolute;left:140px;top:225px;height:20px;width:100px;color:blue" value="ESC" onclick="Button2pressed();" /> </div> </body> </form> </html>
function initForm() {
try { _uebernahme=sessionStorage.getItem("grund");
if (_uebernahme!='' && _uebernahme!='0' && _uebernahme!=null && _uebernahme!=undefined) {
setTimeout(function() { ListboxPruefen(_uebernahme); }, 100); } } catch (err) { alert('initForm(): ' + err.toString()); } }
function ListboxPruefen(_katalogEintrag) {
try {
var _gefunden=0; var oListBox1 = eo_GetObject("ListBox1");
for(var i=0; i < oListBox1.length; i++){ if(oListBox1.options[i].value == _katalogEintrag) { oListBox1.options[i].selected = true; break; } } if (_gefunden==0) { oListBox1.options[0].selected = true; //(ohne) } } catch (err) { alert('ListboxPruefen(): ' + err.toString()); } }
function listBox1selected(_this) {
try {
var oListBox1 = eo_GetObject("ListBox1"); _uebergabeDaten=oListBox1.getSelectedItem().getText(); if (_uebergabeDaten!='' && _uebergabeDaten!=_uebernahme && _uebergabeDaten!='(ohne)') { setColorEnable(oButton1); //OK } else { setColorDisable(oButton1); //Not OK }
} catch (err) { alert('listBox1selected(): ' + err.toString()); } }
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,296
Hi, eo_GetObject returns a JavaScript object. It only supports methods listed here: https://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/jsdoc.public.web.listbox.htmlThis is NOT the same as the HTMl "select" DOM object. The following code you use is wrong because options is a property of the "select" DOM object.
In fact our ListBox implementation does not use HTML select object at all. So you must use our documented API to access the list items. For example, the following code in your code is correct:
Code: JavaScript
var oListBox1 = eo_GetObject("ListBox1");
This is because it uses getSelectedItem, which is a documented method of the ListBox object. Hope this helps. Please feel free to let us know if you have any more questions. Thanks!
Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 6/17/2010 Posts: 35
This has worked for me:
var _katalogItem='Test'; var _found=0; var oListBox1 = eo_GetObject("ListBox1"); var _intLaenge = oListBox1.getItemCount(); for(var i=0; i < _intLaenge; i++){ var _strTest = oListBox1.getItem(i).getText(); if (_strTest != '') { if(_strTest == _katalogItem) { var item = oListBox1.getItem(i); oListBox1.setSelectedItem(item); _found=1; break; } } } if (_found==0) { var item = oListBox1.getItem(0); oListBox1.setSelectedItem(item); }
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,296