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Getting Conversion failed. Browser engine failed to render page. Failed on command 4 Error Options
Brad Mathews
Posted: Thursday, April 13, 2023 5:07:26 PM
Rank: Advanced Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 6/19/2013
Posts: 38
I have this one HTML doc that will not convert - I get the error "Getting Conversion failed. Browser engine failed to render page. Failed on command 4 Error:"

It is a very long document that uses handlebars.js to build the content and has 5 Google maps on it with several hundred overlaid polygons. I do PDF conversions like these daily, but this one is larger than typical and seems to have choked the HtmlToPdf method.

I am using Eo.PDF 2019. These are my options and settings:

Code: Visual Basic.NET
Options.AutoBookmark = False
Options.BaseUrl = WorkFolder
Options.TriggerMode = EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfTriggerMode.Auto
Options.PageSize = New SizeF(8.5F, 11.0F)
Options.AutoAdjustForDPI = False
Options.ZoomLevel = 0.742
Options.MaxLoadWaitTime = 900000
Options.AutoFitX = HtmlToPdfAutoFitMode.None
Options.OutputArea = New RectangleF(Template.Margins.Left, Template.Margins.Top, Template.Margins.Width, Template.Margins.Height)
Options.JpegQualityLevel = 50
Options.MinLoadWaitTime = 5000
Options.FirstPageNumber = 1
HtmlToPdf.DebugConsole = Console.Out
EO.Base.Runtime.EnableEOWP = True
Options.FooterHtmlFormat = ReplaceFieldsHTML(ReadFile(Template.Path & Template.SectionDefaults.Footer.File), 0)
Options.FooterHtmlPosition = Template.SectionDefaults.Footer.Margins.Top

My actual command is rather simple:
Code: Visual Basic.NET
doc = New PdfDocument()
result = EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(HTML, doc, Options)

This is a link to the html file in case anyone want to get their hands dirty: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n53irxw5vx9qvw7/HtmlToPdfError.zip?dl=0

I am unsure how to proceed to debug this. Any help on what my next steps should be would be appreciated.
Posted: Friday, April 14, 2023 10:30:42 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296

Please update to the latest build (2023.1.45.0) from our download page. The problem you are running into appears to be an out of memory issues inside the browser engine. This most likely to occur with large pages because older version runs the browser engine in 32 bit mode thus it can only use limited amount of memory even if your system has sufficient physical memory. The current build runs the browser engine in 64 bit mode thus is capable of using much more memory and susequently, is much less likely to run into out of memory problem.

Brad Mathews
Posted: Friday, April 14, 2023 1:12:18 PM
Rank: Advanced Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 6/19/2013
Posts: 38
That worked. I was really hoping for a solution that wouldn't cost me $1000. **Sigh**

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