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PdfCheckBoxField and kbhk value Options
Posted: Sunday, March 19, 2023 4:27:25 PM
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Joined: 11/13/2021
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I need to get the kbhk value of a PdfCheckBoxField using vb.net but it does not show as one of the exposed properties.

How do I do that?
Posted: Monday, March 20, 2023 3:12:55 PM
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What do you mean by kbhk value?
Posted: Monday, March 20, 2023 3:30:01 PM
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When you look at the attributes in Visual Studio debug mode, there is a property called kbhk. It displays the Export Value for the field in a PDF form.
If I have multiple checkboxes with the same name (because the radio does not display in apple devices), I need to enumerate them and look at the kbhk values to determine which one to mark as checked.
Right now when you look at the properties in run time, there isn't one that displayed the export value
Posted: Monday, March 20, 2023 3:37:22 PM
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These are our internal data structure that you should not access directly. The only option for you is to use reflection to access the member. However because the name kbhk changes between versions, so we would still not recommend it even with reflection.

We are not exactly sure what export value you are talking about. If you can send us a test PDF file we can look into it and see if we can expose this value in a public documented property for you. You can use contact us page to submit the test file to us.

Posted: Monday, March 20, 2023 3:49:05 PM
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I don't think a project is necessary to create a radio group in a PDF document.
Open the document using EO and set the value to checked.
Save the document again and open it on a max or iOS. The field is not displayed

kbhk is a field that is only available on a radio element.
You could add a property for the radio elements that is export value
Posted: Monday, March 20, 2023 4:05:56 PM
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Please still send a small test project to us. The reason is that will ensure we are working on exactly the same thing you described to us. We will also use the test project to verify whatever code changes we have on our end.
Posted: Monday, March 20, 2023 4:54:35 PM
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Joined: 11/13/2021
Posts: 7
I wish I had the time to create a small project but I don't

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