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Hi, I have a web site (default ESXi installation) which is using a self signed certificate. When I hit that web site with the Chrome browser, I get the following screen: Image 1 When I click Proceed, Chrome is able to go to that page (with Not secure in the address bar). When I try to do the same using EO WebBrowser, I get a LoadFailed (InsecureResponse) immediately: Image 2 The CertificateError event handler is not fired where I usually handle certificate errors. Is there a special setting I'm missing to make this work. Regards, Stefan BTW: images don't seem to work here. Please click on the links Image 1 and Image 2
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Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,296
You should get CertificateError event in this case.
As a test, you can try to load the page with our TabbedBrowser sample application. The TabbedBrowser sample application handles CertificateError event and ignores it by default. So it should load your page properly.
If you still get the error with TabbedBrowser sample application, please provide a test Url and we can take a look.
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Joined: 12/23/2013 Posts: 119
Yes, tabbed browser has the same issue. See: Image 1As you can see in the screenshot, this is the admin interface of a freshly installed VMware ESXi server (just installed, no config required). I tried to find a public web page which has the same characteristics but I couldn't find any. I'm also not sure how I can provide a URL for you to access this test machine.
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I can confirm, I faced the same issue, sometimes CertificateError is not raised and the page @Stefan Koell linked is shown.
This happened to me on a local network page served with a self signed ssl certificate. To be more precise : -> request http://local_network_ip/mypage.aspx ==> redirect to the same page but on https using 301 => https://local_network_ip/mypage.aspx
Before EO2022 this was working.
FYI, I did the following workaround : add this option --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=http://local_network_ip/ and removing the 301
But it's not optimal !
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Hi Eurice!
I just tested pre-EO2022 versions and can confirm that it's working fine there.
The workaround you posted doesn't work in my case but it seems to be related to redirects in general. When I use Google Chrome to find out where I end up, I can put the https://xxx URL into EO2022 and it's working again.
I will forward this information to my customer in hope this resolves the issue but I think EO2022 should "fix" this issue to correctly work like it worked before.
cheers, Stefan
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Thanks both of you for the additional information. We were able to find out the root cause of the problem. We expect this issue to be fixed very soon so that CertificateError event will be raised regardless redirect is involved or not.
We will reply here again as soon as a new build with the fix is available.
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This is just to let you know that we have posted a new build on our download page that should resolve this issue. Please take a look and let us know how it goes.
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I confirm this works now as expected.
Thanks for the fix, have a nice day.
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Thanks for the update. I just verified the new version and the issue seems to be fixed.
Regards, Stefan
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Great. Thanks for confirming the fix!