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Running EO.PDF in .NET Core 3.1 application hosted within AppServices Options
Posted: Friday, October 15, 2021 5:19:32 AM
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Joined: 11/8/2017
Posts: 68
Hi, we are having problems with our .NET Core 3.1 application which is running version 21.2.32 version of EO.PDF. The application runs fine for a while - days, then will fail with something like Child process exited unexpectedly or a timeout and ultimately hangs and will need the App-Services slot to be restarted.

We are running our application with the following settings

Code: C#
EO.Base.Runtime.ApplicationID = __our-app-id__;
EO.Base.Runtime.EnableCrashReport = true;
EO.Base.Runtime.CrashDataAvailable += Runtime_CrashDataAvailable
EO.Base.Runtime.EnableEOWP = true;
HtmlToPdf.MaxConcurrentTaskCount = 16;
void Runtime_CrashDataAvailable(object sender, EO.Base.CrashDataEventArgs e)
    var crashReportFullPathAndFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(__crashreport-fullpath__, __crashreport-filename__);
    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(crashReportFullPathAndFileName, e.Data);

It feels like the setup of AppServices seems to have difficulties with the application - for example after the application fails then hangs when HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml is called whatever exception is being thrown is not caught by our catch and hence nothing comes out in our log. Further although we have EnableCrashReports set to true these are never produced.

Can you help ?

Posted: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 12:02:17 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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This does not appear to be a crash. Do you get a time out error with ConvertHtml when this occurs? Also can you use Azure's diagnostic tool to capture the memory dump file? We can look into the dump file to see what we can find.
Posted: Thursday, November 4, 2021 6:05:09 AM
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Thanks for the reply - we have generated an Azure memory dump when the application is in a state as described above - the files are quite large (too big for here and may contain confidential information) - do you have a designated a location I can drop them into ?
Posted: Monday, November 8, 2021 12:54:13 AM
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Unfortunately we do not --- can you temporarily put it on Google drive and then share with us?
Posted: Monday, November 8, 2021 6:34:19 AM
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Hi, what email address would you like me to share the contents with ?
Posted: Wednesday, November 10, 2021 5:19:39 AM
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To confirm, a link to the Google drive where the memory dumps have been uploaded to has been sent in reply to your private email
Posted: Wednesday, November 10, 2021 10:46:14 AM
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Thank you very much for the dump files. We were able to find out the root of the problem. We should have a new build out this week to resolve the problem.
Posted: Friday, November 12, 2021 10:08:35 AM
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This is just to let you know that we have posted a new build that should resolve this issue. Please download it from our download page and let us know how it goes.

Posted: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 7:50:47 PM
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Posts: 68
Really appreciate the response - we have done some testing on the 21.2.99 release and no failures (child process, timeouts, etc) as yet - we have deployed to our Live environment - will let you know how it goes
Posted: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 9:23:16 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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You are very welcome. Please feel free to let us know if there is anything else.

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