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EO base crash Options
Posted: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 4:49:31 AM
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One of our users has this error when lauching EOWebBrowser : https://ibb.co/LYTtZbx

Posted: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 9:51:34 AM
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This is usually a crash inside the browser engine. Please follow these steps to collect the crash log:


Once we have the crash log we will look into it and see what we can find.

Posted: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 10:02:10 AM
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You should already have the crash report based on the name of the application's exe file "Gestion Locative.exe"

Posted: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 1:30:38 PM
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Can you update to build and capture some more crash log with that version?

Posted: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 1:57:27 PM
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Unfortunately I can't, because this user has asked for a refund.

We really need to improve the stability of the app (a vanilla webview of EO.WebBrowser) so any hints would be greatly appreciated.

So far, we have many weird behaviours and crashes with EO.WebBrowser:

Posted: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 6:27:29 PM
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I understand your frustration. This is a crash inside the browser engine. Chromium is an extremely large and complex project (over 35 million lines of code) and it can crash at numerous places for many different reasons. Additionally, because in our case the Chromium engine is driving by code, not by the end user, it can crash in many scenarios that would not occur under normal "user driving" scenarios.

While you see multiple posts in the forum about a crash, they are in fact not the same issue. The crash report usually points us to where the crash occurs, but it does not tell us how it gets to that point. For that reason very often we need to be able to reproduce the issue, or even need to access the customer's computer in case we can't reproduce it. This very often requires us to add test code, send it over to the user to test, add some more test code, send it to test again, etc. In short, it's usually not a short process to troubleshoot this kind of issues.

If you have a way to reproduce the problem, please let us know and we will try to reproduce it here and then go from here. Unfortunately it is not as simple as we find something in the crash log and then immediately know what's going on and tell you how to avoid it. Crashing report is just the starting point of a long process.

Sorry about this and your understanding is much appreciated.


Posted: Friday, April 30, 2021 4:24:57 AM
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Do you reckon we'd improve stability using the default .NET WebBrowser?

I understand that .NET WebBrowser is an old wrapper for IE, but considering that we don't need fancy HTML/CSS/JS support, that might be an option for us?

Posted: Friday, April 30, 2021 11:22:37 AM
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The .NET built in WebBrowser is always an option. It has pros and cons comparing with a separate standalone browser engine. One of the main advantage is that it's practically part of the OS so all the core components are already loaded when your application loads, thus the start up time can be faster. The other advantage is that your distribution size will be smaller since you do not have to include the browser engine in your distribution.

As to stabilities it's hard to say --- one of the main complains we have heard from our users who switched to our product is that their application breaks when Windows updates IE. The other issue is IE runs inside your process, so if the browser engine crashes, your application crashes. Our engine runs in a separate process, so you will have the option to recover when the browser engine crashes. This is similar to Google Chrome can display a "he's dead jim" message when one of the tab crashes. In our case, you can handle WebView.Closed event to recreate the WebView as an attempt to recover. On the other hand, the fact that "old IE" hasn't really been changed much for a while might in fact can be an advantage in term of stability as things often break when changes are made.

So we would not encourage/discourage you either way. Every developer's scenario is different, as such it's always better to exploit all possible options to see which one works best for you. What we can do here is if you do use our product, we will work closely with you to try to get to the bottom of every issue you encountered. We absolutely understand that sometimes this can be very exhausting and frustrating. The fastest and most effective way to get to the bottom of a problem is almost always to try to isolate and reproduce it first. Once it is reproduced, you can send the repro to us and we will debug it here and get to the bottom of it. The other thing you can try to do is to collect detailed diagnostic logs:


Hopefully we can get more insight from the this log.


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