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ecmascript version Options
Posted: Friday, November 27, 2020 8:18:48 AM
Rank: Newbie
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Joined: 12/14/2012
Posts: 6
Good morning, I need to know what version of ecmascrip is using "eo.webbrowser for .net" product has, since we are finding that there are quite a few javascript functions that are not available. I would also like to know if this version can be updated/changed by us.

Thank you very much.
Posted: Monday, November 30, 2020 1:21:20 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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EO.WebBrowser uses the same browser engine as Google Chrome, so it supports anything Google Chrome support. Like all other browsers, the JavaScript engine (v8) in Google Chrome is constantly evolving and it does NOT strictly follow ECMAScript standard. So you should not try to model your code after the ECMAScript standard. You should test your code with Google Chrome browser instead.

Posted: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 3:36:40 AM
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Joined: 12/14/2012
Posts: 6

We have been testing part of our code both in google chrome and in "eo.webbrowser" and we have found functions like "replaceAll()" which works without problem in the normal browser, but when loading it in its component, it appears as "undefined" (being the same page, with exactly the same life cycle). We want to pass part of our website to your integrated browser, but we need to know if this is a bug or if there is simply a list of javascript functions that are not compatible with your browser.
If you need more information, we can see how we send it to make it as easy as possible.

A greeting.
Posted: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 9:46:36 AM
Rank: Administration
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296

string.replaceAll is added to Google Chrome very recently (at version 85). Our current version is based on Chromium 81. We are working on a new version that will be based on Chromium 86 and this new build should be out next month. So that build will support string.replaceAll.


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