After the upgrade to version 19 of PDF library we have started to experience the issue with inability to open links to files in PDF documents.
Our use case is we are generating the PDF, which have some other related files, like MS Office documents, other PDFs etc. Afterwards we are putting the generated file along with the related files into a zip archive, so user can extract everything to a folder, look through the generated file and open any supporting files using the link in the PDF.
When we were evaluating the library we were using EO.PDF 18.3.46, and this functionality was working fine when implemented this way:
Code: C#
HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml("<a href='SomeFile.txt'>Click to open file</a>", doc);
This code snippet was generating a link which opens SomeFile.txt from the same folder where PDF document is.
In the most recent version (19.1.81) the same code does not allow to open files this way.
So can you please advise how we can implement similar functionality in the most recent version of the library, as this is crucial part of the document we need to produce.
Thank you in advance!