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TreeView - ClientSideOnNodeRename for autoformat string? Options
Luis Angel
Posted: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 3:18:58 AM
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Joined: 2/25/2008
Posts: 14
I'm trying to use the ClientSideOnNodeRename client script function to modify the text that the user has write (to format it, like "cod-text" should be changed to "cod - text", and things like this one)

But I've been unable to make it work properly. I've tryed several aproaches:
· Change the newText parameter value and make the function to return true: With this code the edit textbox dissapears with the edited node text. If I start to edit another tree node then the first node will reapear but with the original text.
· Change newText and return false. Then the user text is set correctly to the node text, without taking into account my changes.
· use node.setText() function to change the node text and return false: then I get a javascript error message (something like "argument not valid" -it's translated from spanish so maybe the english message is not exactly like that).
· use node.setText() and return true. Then I get the dissapearing text like in the second try, and I get the same javascript error when trying to edit another node.

My javascript node looks like this:
Code: JavaScript
function FormateaNombreNodo(treeview, node, newText)
var nodeKey = node.getValue().substr(0,1);
        if (nodeKey==KEY_OP) { 
        var idx = newText.indexOf(SEP_COD_VALUE);
        var code, name;
        if (idx<0){
            code = newText;
            name = newText;
        else {
            code = newText.substr(0,idx);
            if (idx==newText.length) name="";
            else name = newText.substr(idx+1);
        newText = code.toUpperCase() + " " + SEP_COD_VALUE + " " + name; 
    return false;

(changing the last two lines depending on try case...)

Is there a way to accomplish this? is there a better way?

thanks in advance
Posted: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 6:29:16 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298

None of those will work. You need to let the event handler to finishes it work and then change it. Specifically, you can use window.setTimeout to do it:

Code: JavaScript
var g_Node = null;
var g_NewText = null;

function FormateaNombreNodo(treeview, node, newText)
   g_Node = node;
   g_NewText = FormatNewText(newText);
   window.setTimeout("UpdateNodeText()", 10);

function UpdateNodeText()

Luis Angel
Posted: Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:17:07 AM
Rank: Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 2/25/2008
Posts: 14
Thank you very much.

It works perfectly .

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