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PdfDocument.Merge have an inconsistent behavior regarding PDF/A Options
Posted: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 10:13:28 AM
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The method PdfDocument.Merge has an inconsistent way to process PDF/A.

Sometimes it becomes PDF/A-1a, sometimes not. Sometimes the PDF/A-1a is valid according to Adobe Preflight, while sometimes not.
Does the method PdfDocument.Merge officially have PDF/A support?
Or do I use the method in a wrong way ?
Is there any bug here ?
Or is it just because I validate EO.Pdf without a valid license ?

It seems as it is the first page that is read/merged which determines which PDF standard the finished file claims to be.

See all my C# examples:
docAC_2 and docCA_3 have a very inconsistent result.
docAB_1 and docAB_2 is also very strange.

Code: C#
public static void Poc_TestPdfA()
            // Testing with Adobe Preflight, 11.0.20
            // EO.Pdf from NuGet version 18.2.74

            var docA = new PdfDocument();
            docA.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;
            HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml("Page A text text text text text text", docA);
            // docA Claims to be PDF/A-1a 
            // Adobe Preflight: "Verify compliance with PDF/A-1a": No problems found
            var docB = new PdfDocument();
            docB.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;
            HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml("Page B text text text text text text", docB);
            // docB Claims to be PDF/A-1a 
            // Adobe Preflight: "Verify compliance with PDF/A-1a": No problems found

            var docAB_1 = PdfDocument.Merge(docA, docB);
            // Claims to be PDF/A-1a
            // Adobe Preflight: "Verify compliance with PDF/A-1a": VERIFICATION FAILED
            //      * Transparency used (page is a transparency group)
            //      * CIDset in subset font missing    ( This seems to be regarding the text "Created with EO.Pdf for .NET trial version. http://www.essentialobjects.com.")

            var docAB_2 = PdfDocument.Merge(docA, docB);
            docAB_2.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;
            // Claims to be PDF/A-1a 
            // Adobe Preflight: "Verify compliance with PDF/A-1a": No problems found

            // ** Test Mix of PDF and PDF/A **

            var docC = new PdfDocument();
            docC.Standard = PdfStandard.None;
            HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml("Page C text text text text text text", docC);
            // docC Claims to be PDF

            var docAC_1 = PdfDocument.Merge(docA, docC);
            // docAC_1 Claims to be PDF/A-1a
            // Adobe Preflight: "Verify compliance with PDF/A-1a": VERIFICATION FAILED
            //      * Transparency used (page is a transparency group)
            //      * CIDset in subset font missing    ( This seems to be regarding the text "Created with EO.Pdf for .NET trial version. http://www.essentialobjects.com.")

            var docAC_2 = PdfDocument.Merge(docA, docC);
            docAC_2.Standard = PdfStandard.None;
            // docAC_2 Claims to be PDF/A-1a
            // Adobe Preflight: "Verify compliance with PDF/A-1a": VERIFICATION FAILED
            //      * Transparency used (page is a transparency group)
            //      * CIDset in subset font missing    ( This seems to be regarding the text "Created with EO.Pdf for .NET trial version. http://www.essentialobjects.com.")

            var docAC_3 = PdfDocument.Merge(docA, docC);
            docAC_3.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;
            // docAC_3 Claims to be PDF/A-1a 
            // Adobe Preflight: "Verify compliance with PDF/A-1a": No problems found

            var docCA_1 = PdfDocument.Merge(docC, docA);
            // docCA_1 Claims to be PDF

            var docCA_2 = PdfDocument.Merge(docC, docA);
            docCA_2.Standard = PdfStandard.None;
            // docCA_2 Claims to be PDF

            var docCA_3 = PdfDocument.Merge(docC, docA);
            docCA_3.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;
            // docCA_3 Claims to be PDF
Posted: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 10:41:04 AM
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PdfDocument.Merge does not care about whether the file is PDF/A or not. It basically just mix two files together as is. So if you merge a PDF/A compliant file with another non-compliant file, the result PdfDocument will contain non-compliant element. Note at this state the PdfDocument is completely in memory.

Whether the file is eventually PDF-A compliant is determined when you call Save method to save it. The logic behind this is an in memory PdfDocument can contain whatever information, whether PDF-A complaint or not. However when you actually save it to disk, the the value of the "Standard" property kicks in and the saving process will filter out non-complaint elements if Standard is set to PDF-A. In another word, in order to produce PDF-A compliant file, you must always explicitly set Standard property to PDF-A and Save it.

If this is not consistent with what you observed, please send us a test app and we will be happy to investigate further. See here for more details on how to send test app to us:


Posted: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 12:56:46 PM
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I have now sent you a mail containing my C# example above.
Posted: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 1:31:44 PM
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We must have missed something here ---- we do not see anything in your example code that conflicts with our explanation above. Can you elaborate on which test and why you think it's wrong?
Posted: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 2:23:47 PM
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ok, I will try to explain more details:

Let's take EO-docAB_1.pdf
Using this code:
Code: C#
var docAB_1 = PdfDocument.Merge(docA, docB);

When you open this pdf-file in Adobe Acrobat, the file claims to be PDF/A.

BUT when I validate the file using Adobe Preflight, it fails with theese errors:
// Adobe Preflight: "Verify compliance with PDF/A-1a": VERIFICATION FAILED
// * Transparency used (page is a transparency group)
// * CIDset in subset font missing

The last error seems to be regarding the text "Created with EO.Pdf for .NET trial version. http://www.essentialobjects.com."

My opinion:
The PDF file is incorrectly marked as PDF/A. However, the pdf file is not a true PDF/A-1a because validation using Adobe Preflight fails

Agree ?
Posted: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 2:45:54 PM
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Next example:
Code: C#
var docCA_3 = PdfDocument.Merge(docC, docA);
docCA_3.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;

In this example I merge docC (non-PDF/A) with docA (pdf/A)
I set Standard=PdfStandard.PDF_A;
The merged files is then saved as EO-docCA_3.pdf

When open this file in Adobe Reader, the pdf-file claims to be a standard PDF.

My opinion:
This file should have been PDF/A-1a, but it is only a standard PDF.

What is happening here is the opposite of what happened in my previous example.
For me, it appears that it is always the first pdf-file I merge that decide if the result pdf-file is highlighted as PDF / A or not.

Even if I set Standard=PdfStandard.None the result PDF-file highlighted as PDF/A, if first PDF-file I merge is a PDF/A-file.
See EO-docAC_2.pdf for an example.

Do you understand me now ?
Posted: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 3:34:10 PM
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I see. We have found the root of the problem and this will be fixed in our next build. The correct behavior should be:

1. Regardless of the input files, as long as Standard for the merged file is not set, it should be a standard PDF;
2. Regardless of the input files, as long as Standard for the merged file is set to PDF_A, the result should be PDF_A;

We will reply here again when the new build is posted.

Posted: Thursday, October 11, 2018 3:22:31 PM
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This is just to let you know that we have posted a new build that should fix this issue. You can download the new build from our download page. Please take a look and let us know how it goes.

Posted: Thursday, October 11, 2018 9:11:05 PM
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Thank you,
I have now tested EO.Pdf version 18.3.23 using the NuGet package.
All errors that I reported in this thread regarding Merge are now fixed, and it works now as expected.

BUT unfortunately you also introduced a new bug.

Code: C#
HtmlToPdf.Options.JpegQualityLevel = 70;
var pdf1 = new PdfDocument();
HtmlToPdf.ConvertUrl("https://www.essentialobjects.com/AboutUs.aspx", pdf1);
pdf1.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;

Error stacktrace:

Unhandled Exception: System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
at EO.Internal.apc.b(Byte[] A_0, Stream A_1, a7w A_2, Int32 A_3)
at EO.Internal.vw.b(Byte[] A_0, String A_1, a7w A_2, Int32 A_3)
at EO.Internal.vw.d()
at EO.Pdf.Drawing.PdfImage..ctor(vw A_0)
at EO.Pdf.Drawing.PdfImage.a(vw A_0, Int32 A_1)
at EO.Internal.gd.b(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.kk.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.a7w.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.a7w.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.a7w.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.kk.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.a7w.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.a7w.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.a7w.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.kk.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.oi.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.a7w.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.kk.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.a7w.a(awh A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.c(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.aj.a(a46 A_0)
at EO.Internal.gd.a(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1)
at EO.Pdf.PdfDocument.a()
at EO.Pdf.PdfDocument.Save(String fileName)
at EssentialsObjectsPdf.Poc2()
Posted: Friday, October 12, 2018 5:29:30 AM
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It is not only with Merge that there are problems where the pdf-files are marked with the wrong PDF-standard.

See this code example:
Code: C#
public static void Poc()
            var pdf2 = new PdfDocument();
            HtmlToPdf.ConvertUrl(url, pdf2);
            pdf2.Save(@"C:\temp\EO-AboutUs.1.Default.pdf");  // Save for print purposes.
            pdf2.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;
            pdf2.Save(@"C:\temp\EO-AboutUs.1.PDF_A.pdf");    // Save for archiving purposes purposes.
            /* The file EO-AboutUs.1.PDF_A.pdf  did not become a PDF/A. 
             * The file is not even highlighted as PDF/A when it opens in Adobe Acrobat.

            // Then I try to save the files in reverse order. PDF_A first, then PDF_None.
            pdf2 = new PdfDocument();
            HtmlToPdf.ConvertUrl(url, pdf2);
            pdf2.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;
            pdf2.Save(@"C:\temp\EO-AboutUs.2.PDF_A.pdf");    // Save for archiving purposes. This file becomes a valid PDF/A.
            pdf2.Standard = PdfStandard.None;
            pdf2.Save(@"C:\temp\EO-AboutUs.2.Default.pdf");  // Save for print purposes. This file becomes an invalid PDF/A.
            /* EO-AboutUs.2.Default.pdf is highlighted as PDF/A when it opens in Adobe Acrobat, but it fails when testing in Adobe Preflight.
Posted: Friday, October 12, 2018 6:02:30 AM
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There also appears to be a problem regarding Clone.
You cannot save a PDFDocument after you have done Clone.

Code: C#
public static void Poc3()
            var pdf3 = new PdfDocument();
            HtmlToPdf.ConvertUrl(url, pdf3);
            var copy = pdf3.Clone();
            copy.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;
            // The file will not be a PDF/A. The file is not highlighted as PDF/A when it opens in Adobe Acrobat.

Posted: Friday, October 12, 2018 7:51:44 AM
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Thanks for letting us know. We are looking into this and will get back to you as soon as we have an update.
Posted: Friday, October 12, 2018 11:16:02 AM
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This is just to let you know that we have posted a new build that should resolve these issues. Please see your private message for the download location.

Posted: Monday, October 15, 2018 8:41:08 AM
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Using EO.Pdf 18.3.25.
I have now tested theese issues/bugs.
They are now created with correct pdf-standard, and they are validated ok by Adobe Preflight.

Thank you.
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2018 8:42:24 AM
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Glad to hear that and thank you very much for confirming!

Please feel free to let us know if you run into anything else.
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2018 9:22:52 AM
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Using EO.Pdf 18.3.25.

There is still one issue, or maybee this is "Working as Designed".

If you first save a pdf as PDF_A, then the pdfDocument object is changed, and you cannot save as a PDF_None later, because transparent pictures is modified. A PDF_None will then look like an PDF_A.
Workaround is to clone before save.

If you run my C# code you will see that EO-penguin.4b.Default.pdf and EO-penguin.4c.Default.pdf are different shown
The penguin picture in EO-penguin.4b.Default.pdf is shown as if it was an PDF_A.
EO-penguin.4a.Default.pdf and EO-penguin.4c.Default.pdf are shown correct.
See my example:

Code: C#
public static void Poc4()
            const string html = "<!DOCTYPE html><body style=\"background-color: red\"><img src=\"https://www199.lunapic.com/editor/premade/transparent.gif\" /></body></html>";
            var pdf4 = new PdfDocument();
            HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(html, pdf4);
            pdf4.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;

            pdf4 = new PdfDocument();
            HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(html, pdf4);
            pdf4.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;
            pdf4.Standard = PdfStandard.None;

            pdf4 = new PdfDocument();
            HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(html, pdf4);
            var pdf4Clone = pdf4.Clone();
            pdf4Clone.Standard = PdfStandard.PDF_A;
            pdf4Clone = pdf4.Clone();
            pdf4Clone.Standard = PdfStandard.None;

BTW, all PDF_A files are validated correctly in Adobe Preflight.
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2018 9:33:16 AM
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Yes. This behavior is by design. Once you save a PdfDocument as PDF/a, the contents of the file is permanently modified. A number of things have been modified to be PDF/A compliant, the most noticeable one being transparency background are replaced with a solid white background. Theoretically we could do the clone internally before saving it thus leaving the original document intact, but there would be a performance penalty for this and for most users this is unnecessary because for them once they save the file as PDF/A then do not need to save the original copy again. So we'd rather leave the decision of whether cloning it to the user.

Posted: Monday, October 15, 2018 9:44:55 AM
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Very good,
Thank you Angel
Posted: Monday, October 15, 2018 1:27:42 PM
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You are very welcome. Thank you very much for detailed analysis though. :)

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