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EO WebBrowser fullscreen mode from c# Options
Posted: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:50:02 AM
Rank: Advanced Member
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Joined: 12/10/2014
Posts: 137
Hello guys,

I'm trying to get EO WebBrowser going full screen mode from c# calls.
I first tryed by calling QueueScriptCall("document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullScreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT);");

(this JS is valid and working if I call it directly from debugger console)

=> this doesn't work because chrome prevent websites going full screen without user interaction.
In console it writes a warning :

"Failed to execute 'requestFullscreen' on 'Element': API can only be initiated by a user gesture."

Do you guys plan to add a method in webview class to go fullScreen ?

Any workaround available ?
Any chrome flags that I could activate ?

Thanks, best regards

Posted: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 12:13:28 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,221

No. We do not have any plan to change this behavior. Full screen mode can only be triggered from user interaction. You can only programmatically exit full screen.

If you want your web page to be full screen initially, you can have your WebView full screen instead. This way the web page itself still runs in normal non-full screen mode. But because the container UI is full screen, the finally result is still full screen.

Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2018 7:09:47 AM
Rank: Advanced Member
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Joined: 12/10/2014
Posts: 137

I've created a workaround, thanks for the answer.

Topic close,

Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2018 8:54:48 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,221
Great. Thanks for the update!

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