You can use CSS selector to control the final image size. For example, you can follow these steps to set the zoomed out image to be 100 by 100:
1. Apply a dummy CSS class name to ZoomPanelStyle:
<ZoomPanelStyle Css-Class="dummy_class" />
Here CSS class "dummy_class" does not have to exist. The purpose of this class is to enable the CSS selector in the next step;
2. Add the following CSS to your page:
Code: CSS
.dummy_class img
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
Here the key is the CSS selector ".dummy_class img". This applies all images inside an element with class="dummy_class". Because "dummy_class" is applied to the "ZoomPanel", which contains the zoomed out image, the above style is applied to zoomed out image.
Hope this helps. Please feel free to let us know if you still have any question.