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Cannot override/ignore X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN Options
Ron DeFulio
Posted: Monday, October 23, 2017 1:31:07 PM
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Joined: 2/18/2015
Posts: 4

I have a project where we are trying to load a thirdparty site into an IFRAME inside EO WebBrowser. We are trying to override/ignore the X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN security setting but the browser control does not seem to respect the fact we have EnableWebSecurity=False and EnableXSSAuditor=False set in the code.

We are using this code to set up the browser --

Dim bo As New BrowserOptions
bo.EnableWebSecurity = False
bo.EnableXSSAuditor = False

Dim wv As New WebView

WebControl1.WebView = wv

When we attempt to load the site into the IFRAME we get the following "Refused to display" error

Is this a bug in webview or is there another option I need to toggle to allow the IFRAME to display?


Posted: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 2:42:51 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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There is no way for you to bypass x-frame-options. x-frame-options and EnableWebSecurity are two similar but different options. Setting EnableWebSecurity turns off the default cross site security check, but it does not turn off x-frame-options, which is an additional option specifically for iframe. You can also think that EnableWebSecurity changes the default behaviors, where as x-frame-options overrides the default behaviors. They are are in two completely different code path, so one does not affect the other.

Michael Koenig
Posted: Thursday, September 6, 2018 7:03:53 AM
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we're are using EO.Total Is there any way in that version to bypass x-frame-options/sameorigin?
Posted: Thursday, September 6, 2018 11:55:22 AM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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Michael Koenig wrote:

we're are using EO.Total Is there any way in that version to bypass x-frame-options/sameorigin?

No. I do not believe anything has changed regarding this since our last reply.
Posted: Friday, August 27, 2021 3:06:24 AM
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Joined: 8/27/2021
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X-Frame-Options is a header included in the response to the request to state if the domain requested will allow itself to be displayed within a frame. It has nothing to do with javascript or HTML, and cannot be changed by the originator of the request. You can't set X-Frame-Options on the iframe. That is a response header set by the domain from which you are requesting the resource . They have set the header to SAMEORIGIN in this case, which means that they have disallowed loading of the resource in an iframe outside of their domain. So you cannot embed their website into yours. Browsers when see that the response header contains X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN, they check your domain and block the rendering of the <iframe>. It is a security measure to avoid clickjacking.

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