You can take a look of any of our sample .aspx file in the EOWebDemo sample application. For example, you can open our sample solution, then go to CS -> Web -> EOWebDemo_CS -> Demos -> ListBox -> Designs -> Office 2003 -> Demo.aspx and you will see something like this:
<eo:ListBox runat="server" ID="ListBox1" ControlSkinID="None" Height="100px"
......other properties.....
<ItemStyle CssText="padding: 1px; background-color:white; color: black;" />
......other properties.....
Here the code set the ListBox's ItemStyle property to include "background-color:white" CSS attribute. You change that to "background-color:red" you will get red background.
Two things are standard here and not particularly related to the ListBox control:
1. The ASP.NET syntax to set a property (here it sets ItemStyle property of the ListBox control);
2. The CSS syntax to set background (here it sets background-color to red);
One thing that does have to do with the ListBox control here is what property controls what. For example, the ListBox control has ItemStyle property that you can use to set style for all items. You can get a list of all style properties supported by the ListBox control here:
https://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/web/listbox/style.aspxHope this is clear enough for you.