We have confirmed that the issue is an ASP.NET AJAX issue and is totally unrelated to our product.
The following steps reproduce the issue without using our product:
1. Create a blank frame set page, say test1.html with the following contents. The code assumes the test application is named "TestApp1";
<frameset rows="*">
<frame src="http://localhost/TestApp1/test1.aspx"></frame>
2. Create a blank test1.aspx page with the following body contents:
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="ScriptManager1">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="Button1" />
3. Run the page, the initial page address would be http://localhost/TestApp1/test1.htm;
Now change the initial page address. Replace "localhost" with your machine name. For example, let's say your machine name is SERVER1, change the address to http://server1/TestApp1/test1.htm;
5. Click the button you will get the same error;
Step 4 is the key. It causes a situation where the domain of the parent frame set and the domain of the enclosed frame to be different, which is your case. And this is bound to cause JavaScript access denied error since cross domain JavaScript is prohibited. So I do not see any other solution except for restructuring your application to avoid cross domain frame set (another solution would be to get an update from Microsoft, which is probably unlikely).