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HtmlToPdf.Options.SaveImageAsJpeg removed in latest builds Options
Voicebooth Ltd
Posted: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 6:37:14 AM
Rank: Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 7/17/2016
Posts: 17

We're testing the most recent build of EO.Pdf, generating some of our invoices, and as part of that process we generate some charts using float charts (javascript), which we're finding the rendering of it missing out some transparency. A close inspection at the images being generated suggests this may be due to the images being saved out as a JPEG rather than possibly a PNG.

This is the old image close up, using the previous build and SaveImageAsJpeg = false:

With the latest build in, the SaveImageAsJpeg options has disappeared, and we're finding the rendering to PDF to look like this:

The transparency seems to have disappeared, as shown by the darker grid colours and the darker fill in the chart bars, and the quality of the rendering is quite poor.

float charts using HTML 5 canvas for rendering the charts, which I'm guessing EO.Pdf then saves out, as a JPEG now?

Has the SaveImageAsJpeg option been put elsewhere?

Posted: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 9:34:33 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,296

SaveImageAsJpeg no longer exists because the current version uses a newer browser engine and it always saves to JPEG. However if you use a Canvas and the transparency is done inside the canvas, then that transparency should still be honored since the JPEG/PNG option only affects on the whole canvas level, not in between different layers inside the canvas. So if you can isolate the problem into a small test project (or test HTML file) and send it to us, we will be very happy to investigate further. See here for more details:



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