HtmlToPdf seems to be trimming off roughly 20 - 25 pixels from the right side of the page. This is preventing fullscreen output onto the the PDF as you can see from the screenshot shown below. Using the classic engine does not have the same issue.
I've experimented by increasing the ZoomLevel, but this still cuts off the content by same amount of space.
Could someone have a look at the code that I am using below and see if there are any issues with it that would be causing this effect or if it is actually a bug in the generator.
The version I am using is v16.2.37.0.
Code: C#
var pdfStream = new MemoryStream();
var pdfOption = new HtmlToPdfOptions
NoScript = true,
OutputArea = new RectangleF(0, 0, PdfPageSizes.A4.Height, PdfPageSizes.A4.Width),
PageSize = new SizeF(PdfPageSizes.A4.Height, PdfPageSizes.A4.Width),
ZoomLevel = 1.312f
HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(html, pdfStream, pdfOption);
Using inbuilt EO.Pdf engine
Using UseClassicEngine through EO.Pdf.Classic