You have to remove the background image from your CSS. There are couple of ways to do that:
1. Modify your original HTML file directly;
2. Load your original HTML as is into the converter, but then modify it with JavaScript to remove the background image before you start the conversion;
3. Provide an additional set of CSS using print media, and then use print media for the conversion;
For option 2, you will need to use HtmlToPdfSession.RunWebViewCallback method:
http://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/eo.pdf.htmltopdfsession.runwebviewcallback.aspxInside the callback you will need to use WebView.LoadUrlAndWait to load your HTML file, then use WebView.EvalScript to run JavaScript code to do whatever modification you want to do.
For option 3, you will need to set this property to true:
http://www.essentialobjects.com/doc/eo.pdf.htmltopdfoptions.useprintmedia.aspxHope this helps.