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Version 3.1 License and Deployment Options
Posted: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 1:08:22 PM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 10/21/2008
Posts: 1
I have built a page using EO v3.1 for a client. I have placed the key in the application start of the Global.asax file and it seems to work fine on my local client, however when I publish to my client's web server the "license required" banner and popups are displayed. I found some documentation on your site that indicates that placing eo_web.ashx into the root may help to resolve, however it did not. I have verified that the EO dll does exist in the bin folder of the published application. This webapp is being published to a subfolder of the root of the main website, however it is a seperate application.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and support. Also, kudos on a fine product.
Posted: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 1:14:21 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,302

Please check whether you have a standard license. We used to offer standard license that can only be used with a certain host name. It's priced much cheaper than the unrestricted version but you will not be able to run it on any other host/domain name other than the one that you purchased for. If you do not know the type of license you purchased, you can let us know your order# and we will be happy to look up for you.


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