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AJAXUploader and just the temp file name Options
Posted: Friday, October 17, 2008 5:02:11 PM
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It's possible to get only the tempfilename without the full path?

Thanks again
Posted: Friday, October 17, 2008 5:21:23 PM
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You would call System.IO.Path.GetFileName for that.

Posted: Friday, October 17, 2008 6:23:35 PM
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Thank you for you super support. If I order the full kit now, it's take long time to get the licence?

Posted: Friday, October 17, 2008 6:34:55 PM
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Usually you would get the license in email within a few minutes. Very occasionally the payment processor (mostly Google Checkout) may choose to manually review your order for security reasons. When that happens, it can take up to a few hours to get the license key.

Posted: Friday, October 17, 2008 7:16:42 PM
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Hi again,

Locally everything is ok. But when I use AJAXUploader on my web site sometime it's no working. It's due to the message "AJAXUploader ctl00_Main_AJAXUploaderImageInstructionCadenassage requires a license. You can purchase a license from http://www.essentialobjects.com/Order.aspx. Please refresh the page to continue. More on license."?

Thank you
Posted: Friday, October 17, 2008 7:31:59 PM
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Once you purchase a license, you will get a license file. You would then put the license file in your app's bin directory and that message would go away.

The message itself should not affect functionalities though. So the uploader should still upload even if you see that message. If it does upload but something else blow up then most likely its a code error. The most common error has to do with path, most often TempFileLocation. For example, if you set TempFileLocation to "c:\test", it will almost certain to fail on your production server because your hoster usually won't allow you to write into their system drive. Obviously, if you hardcoded any other path in your code, it can also cause problems.

To avoid such path problem, you should use "application relative path" rather than absolute path. For example, you can set TempFileLocation to "~/upload". That points to a sub directory "upload" under your application directory, which you should have permission to write because it's within your own space.

If you continue to have problem, please provide detailed information about the problem, such as steps to reproduce the problem, error messages, stack traces, etc. Those information can help us to tell you exactly what went wrong.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Friday, October 17, 2008 7:35:19 PM
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Ok I will keep a eye on it. It's only about animated gif.

Thank a lot!!! I really appreciate and I never see elsewhere such service (quality and fast)!
Posted: Friday, October 17, 2008 7:42:22 PM
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Louis wrote:
Thank a lot!!! I really appreciate and I never see elsewhere such service (quality and fast)!

Glad to hear that! Please tell other people about our product and service when you can!

Louis wrote:
Ok I will keep a eye on it. It's only about animated gif.

Animated gif shouldn't have anything to do with us. So you may want to look elsewhere. :)
Posted: Friday, October 17, 2008 8:22:40 PM
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Joined: 10/16/2008
Posts: 16
OK i will talk about you to my students.

For the animated gif it's working locally...

Thank you.

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