You should be able to use data binding with a few extra steps.
What's special for RoudnConerns menu is the "corners" are also menu items. Since data binding always wipe out everything and rebuild from the database, it would also wipe out these "corners". The solution is for you to populate from the database first, then manually add those "corners" by code.
To implement this, you would first follow steps outlined in the document to create a menu without corners. Then use something like this to add the corner back:
Code: C#
//Populate the menu from the database
Menu1.DataSource = your data source;
EO.Web.MenuItem leftCorner = new EO.Web.MenuItem();
//set leftCorner styles....
//Insert leftCorner as the first menu item before all
Menu1.Items.Insert(0, leftCorner);
Note you will definitely want to go over the following documentation topics in order to understand how to customize menu item styles (thus understand how the corners are created):
EO.Web.Menu -> Using EO.Web Menu -> Navigation Items and Groups
EO.Web.Menu -> Using EO.Web Menu -> Look, Skin and Theme
EO.Web.Menu -> Using EO.Web Menu -> Style and Appearance
You will also need to go over this topic to understand how to populate menu from a datasource if you are not already familiar with this part:
EO.Web.Menu -> Using EO.Web Menu -> Data Binding
Hope this helps.