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AJAX Uploader progress bar Options
Posted: Thursday, October 9, 2008 8:47:36 AM
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Joined: 8/31/2008
Posts: 33

I've implemented an AJAX Uploader control on my page. When I upload a file the progress bar does not appear to move but the page does appear to be posting back. The post back takes about 30 seconds which is the same amount of time it takes to upload the file. Where am I going wrong?


<eo:AJAXUploader runat="server" id="AJAXUploader1" Width="400px"
TempFileLocation="~/eo_upload" MaxDataSize="70000" AutoUpload="True"
onfileuploaded="Page_Load" AutoPostBack="True"
UploadButtonText="Upload & Continue" ProgressBarSkin="Traditional" >
<BrowseButtonStyle CssClass="btn_gray" CssText="" />
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="400px">
<td style="width: 400px">
<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" id="InputPlaceHolder">Input Box Place Holder
<eo:ProgressBar runat="server" id="ProgressBar" ControlSkinID="Windows_XP" />
<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" id="ProgressTextPlaceHolder">Progress Text Place Holder
<td align="right">
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="CancelButton" Text="Cancel Upload" CssClass="btn_gray" />
Posted: Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:38:20 PM
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Posts: 33
Can somebody reply to this post?

Posted: Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:43:01 PM
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Sorry for the delay. We are still researching the problem. We are aware this might be a IIS 7 configuration issue but we have not been able to successfully reproduce it yet.

Posted: Friday, October 10, 2008 5:59:01 AM
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Hi cn,

Can you let us know what version are you using?

Posted: Friday, October 10, 2008 7:41:27 AM
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asp.net 2.0
EO object version
Posted: Friday, October 10, 2008 7:47:12 AM
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Joined: 8/31/2008
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The control is on a dev version of my site and I'm uploading the same series of files repeatedly during the debug process. I retested with a few different files this morning and it worked so the problem could be some kind of caching problem with my browser.
Posted: Friday, October 10, 2008 7:50:10 AM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,301
Thanks for the update. That may be it. You may also want to upgrade to the latest version (.40) as well.

Please feel free to let us know if you run into any other issues.

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