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Which browsers are supported Options
Posted: Wednesday, April 2, 2008 9:27:51 AM
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Joined: 4/2/2008
Posts: 1

Thinking of buying your product, but need to clarify something first. Maybe I'm not looking at the right place, but I cannot find any reference to which browsers you components support and/or do do they adjust themselves to the various flavours of (versions of)browers (IE/Firefox/Safari).

Thx for the response.
Posted: Wednesday, April 2, 2008 9:44:18 AM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,301

We officially support:

1. IE 5.0 and above;
2. FireFox 1.x and above;
3. Safari 1.2 and above on OSX;
4. Safari for Windows;
5. Opera 7.2 and above;

All our components automatically recognize and adjust towards these supported browsers. Certain features (very few of them) may not be available on all browsers. For example, some menu expand/collapses effect (such as fade) are IE only. In those cases it falls back to a more basic behavior, for example, if you use a fade effect on a sub menu, the sub menu gradually fade in when it is displayed in IE, where as on other browsers it is just displayed without the fading effect.

Arnold Bailey
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 8:22:38 AM
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Joined: 8/4/2007
Posts: 42
Given your list of supported browsers, I have a problem with the Html Editor which we just purchased. It correctly displays the full editor toolbars in your demo in Safari for Windows but the dropdowns for style, font and font size do not work. The rest of the button appear to work.

We're viewing with Safari 3.1.2 on Windows 2003.

Any help would be appreciated.

eo_support wrote:

We officially support:

1. IE 5.0 and above;
2. FireFox 1.x and above;
3. Safari 1.2 and above on OSX;
4. Safari for Windows;
5. Opera 7.2 and above;

All our components automatically recognize and adjust towards these supported browsers. Certain features (very few of them) may not be available on all browsers. For example, some menu expand/collapses effect (such as fade) are IE only. In those cases it falls back to a more basic behavior, for example, if you use a fade effect on a sub menu, the sub menu gradually fade in when it is displayed in IE, where as on other browsers it is just displayed without the fading effect.

Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 8:47:37 AM
Rank: Administration
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,301

That appears to be a bug. We will look into it and get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for letting us know!

Posted: Sunday, September 14, 2008 8:44:31 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,301
Hi Arnold,

We have posted a new build that addressed the drop down on Safari issue. Please see your private message for download location.


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