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Progress not shown when using AJAXUploader Options
Posted: Saturday, August 16, 2008 2:42:23 AM
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I have a AJAX enabled web-page with an updatepanel and AJAXuoloader-control inside updatepanel..

When running my webapplication on my local machine I can see progress.

When uploading my application to our web-server i get problems. When pressing upload the page bahaves as a normal upload ie page is posting the file and nothing happens until the file is uploaded.

Any advice?

regards // Henrik
Posted: Saturday, August 16, 2008 6:58:29 AM
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See if this page helps:


This usually is caused by tracing or other HttpModules on your server that fetched all the data before our AJAXUploader.

Posted: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 1:07:20 AM
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Hi again ...
We have disabled the Tracing in WebConfig. When it comes to HTTP-modules. Do you have any idea of what module can cause problem? We have not added own modules ... everything is by IIS7-default.

Another strange thing(maybe strange) is that when I browse to the site locally on our WebServer the progressbar works ... But when we browse the site from a client-machine it does not work. Then the upload is fetched by some other module I guess.

Any comment to this?

Regards // henrik
Posted: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 4:40:11 AM
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We can't think of anything that could cause it to behave differently locally and remotely. Both go through IIS. Have you tried to create a blank test app with a simple test page including nothing but an uploader? Let's see if that works first.

Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 2:07:03 AM
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We tried a simple AJAXUploader only on a webform and put it on a new application on our 2008 WebServer....

Same result ... No progress shown during post ... how ever ... as soon as file is posted progress is shown very fast....

I tried to do this on a Virtual 2008 WebServer ... And it worked on that one both locally and remotely from my client-machine.

Maybe I should look for differences on virtual and real server?

More suggestions? Do you want a copy of my application?

Regards // Henrik

Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 6:51:16 AM
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It shouldn't have anything with your application. Most likely it has to do with your production server, particular IIS/ASP.NET settings. Unfortunately we can't think of much because we are no IIS expert, but if your server has VS and if you are willing to open up your server for us to debug, we will be very happy to do so.

BTW: Are you talking about Windows 2008 Server? If so, we will also try to setup a "real" 2008 server. We usually use virtual machines to test. And all our tests seem to work fine.

Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 6:56:20 AM
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We instaled a virtual Server 2008 and it worked like a charm on that one....

So something is wrong with our production-server.

We will check our http-modules one more time ....
Then we will try to open up a webserver for you to use for debug.

regards // henrik
Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 7:23:55 AM
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That would be great. We will need to debug locally with Visual Studio, is that possible? We use GotoMeeting (www.gotomeeting.com) service for remote access.

Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 7:44:28 AM
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I will fix anything you need for debugging ... but I suggest you check our web-application etc first of all to eliminate all config-errors?

Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 7:57:41 AM
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Absolutely. We will be happy to do that. Please zip up the test project and send it to us. I will PM you as to where to send.
Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 9:31:17 AM
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We have now checked our production-server and our virtual server and found no differencies. Still can't get it to work.

Can it be something else? Firewall etc? Maybe I shall try this on a IIS6-server instead?

regards // h
Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 9:47:34 AM
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We have received your test app and we have not found out anything yet. Surely trying it on IIS-6 won't hurt. We will keep looking and let you know as soon as we find anything.

Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 10:01:08 AM
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TestApp worked like a dream on our Server 2003 with IIS6 ... We have tried TestApp on diffrent framworks on our 2008 without success.

Unfortunatly we have problems giving access to our production-server.

We are out of ideas right now. You have no problems on yor 2008 Server?

Do you have any idea of what HTTP-module can cause problems?

We have used same media to install from on production-server and virtual test-server. Only diffenrence by install is that default website was removed from production-server and it is a member of an AD.

Regards // h
Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 10:45:09 AM
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After a close look of the test app you sent to us, we noticed two things:

1. You do not have our module in your web.config:


2. You do have trace enabled in your web.config:

<trace enabled="true" />

You want to correct those and then give it a try?

Posted: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 2:18:31 AM
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We tried this. We get an internal 500-error as soon as we use that HTTPModule-modification.

I have mailed you the last version we used without success.

The only way out as we can see is to deploy our app on a 2003-server(IIS6).

If you have other suggestions on how to get this working on our 2008-server please mail or post. Our 2003-server will be shut down in a few months.

Thanks for all your help //Henrik
Posted: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 2:40:49 AM
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Don't know if it matters but we tried another AJAX-uploader and it worked like a sharm on 2008-server. I really hope you can come up with a solution because we really want to use your stuff.

Posted: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 3:18:12 AM
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The "internal-500 error" definitely indicates a problem, it probably means our modules are not loaded. You can see if this posts helps:


The first portion of the post indicated a few "official" solutions (I am not sure if you got the same error message). The bottom of the post pointed out another solution, which simply turns this message off by adding:

<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>

To your web.config. In both case, it will allow our HttpModule to load and let's hope that will help. :)

Posted: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 4:24:55 AM
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We use Integrated .Net mode for application and this modification to web.config

<add name="EOWebRuntime" type="EO.Web.Runtime,EO.Web"/>
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />

App now loaded without 500-error but still no progress until file is completely posted to server.

I have mailed you a picture of our http-moddules-section of app. Maybe you can see something there.


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