We can't think of anything that can cause that on the DatePicker. You might want to test it in a separate page without the database. Try the following steps:
1. Place a DatePicker, a Label and a Button in the form;
2. In your Page_Load, set the DatePicker's SelectedDate property. Make sure you put such code inside If Not Page.IsPostBack. For example:
Code: Visual Basic.NET
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
DatePicker1.SelectedDate = System.DateTime.Now
End If
3. Run the page and clears the DatePicker;
4. Click the Button to submit the page;
5. In your Button's Click handler, set the Label's Text to the DatePicker's SelectedDate.ToString();
You should see the Label displays "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM". This is DateTime.MinValue. It means the DatePicker is empty.